Saturday Pictures
Weather report for Saturday - Same as Friday.
In other news, 5 pm today C & C will play some hoops. I will begin my quest to be the #1 ranked hoop player in Cahuita. More as the results unfold.
Yesterday's house hunting went OK. We have a few leads and hope by tomorrow we will be out of our $12 night room and into a palatial palace (Cahuita style).
As promised a few pictures -

This was the hotel the first 2 nights in San Jose. The place we are in now is about the same - we lost the TV but gained a bathroom.
FYI - The showers tend to be "unheated". Luckily the water coming through the pipes isn't too cold.

This is Chuck's school, the Cahuita Computer Center. It is a pretty accurate picture of what a lot of the building's down here look like.
Most are 1 story, brick block with a corrugated steel roof.

Well what do you know - turns out there is beer in Costa Rica after all!
Chuck out, I'm going swimming.
glad to know you had a safe are great :) don't get too pruney...
12:56 PM
I like what you've done with the place. It has the no clutter, clean layout feel.
10:30 AM
It fits with my new 'minimalist' lifestyle...
1:13 PM
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