Everybodies Hometown...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

YouTube script

You may have watched it live on YouTube. You may have watched it twice even. And if you were like me, you almost fell off your chair laughing.

But until you read the script, it's hard to appreciate the genius:

"So what happened, it started off with a half a bottle of wine..........and......I think it's Spanish wine, ....and you got some super duper camera there.............AND GUESS WHAT? I saw that Al Gore tape last night"


Blogger cns said...

he was discussing the spanish shiraz that jojo brought
in spain they drink it from a martini type glass...he said, "do you want more?" not al gore

krush speaks fluent spanish

11:33 AM

Blogger Chuck said...

Well that explains a lot.

First it explains that you are in love, because they say love is blind. Apparently love is also...if not deaf... hard of hearing, or just hear's what she wants to hear.

Thanks for clearing that up.

11:40 AM

Blogger akjn westside said...

You know, this party could be described as a mini-soap opera.

11:51 AM

Blogger tedman said...

Did I miss the party of the decade? Rats!

2:06 PM


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