Everybodies Hometown...

Friday, September 14, 2007

Public Service Announcement (without guitar)

Every once in awhile it is necessary for the powers-that-be here at MoC to stray from the ordinary line of self deprecating humor and to pick on CNN.

This isn't one of those times.

Editors sidebar:However, I would like to express to all the world at this time that while CNN might be fair of skin, she is far from fair of heart or humor, and it is only because I know she can take it, that I make her the butt (cute and rounded that it is) of my jokes.

Now back to our regularly scheduled PSA.

As I was saying, occasionally it is necessary to take the conversation here to a higher level and with that I pose the following question:

Do any of the 7 readers of my blog fall into the category of pin-headed ninnies that believe global warming is a hoax? (Regardless of if it was started by Al Gore or not, but extra credit if you admit to that too!)

Come on, don't be afraid. I promise I'll be gentle. I'll be taking comment role call, yea's means you believe it's a hoax, na's means you believe it's real.

Pin-headed ninnies will kindly do their blogging elsewhere in the future. We discriminate here at MoC.


Blogger PokerPro said...

Well guess someone has to be first so here goes: if you are basing your beliefs on the issue on the esteemed politician Al Gore's "research" then it must be true because he certainly had alot of neat charts and graphs in that award-winning movie, but if you consider studies done by real climatologosts, meteorologists and other legitimate scientists it seems like there could be some holes in his theories. Throughout history rising temperatures usually precede rises in CO2, not follow them. One of the largest surges in CO2 emissions came after WWII and yet temps fell for four decades following this surge. When temps were falling in the 60's and 70's the doomsayers said we were heading into another ice age...Hmmm. I just think there are more CO2 emissions made by the ocean and plants than by man, so if it is really happening I think it is more attributable to unpredictable and ever-changing solar cycles than man-made events. Either way I stopped using aerosal deoderant and I feel I have made a meaningful contribution to society! I anxiously await your rebuttal!

11:15 AM

Blogger Chuck said...

Is that a yea or a na?

2:16 PM

Blogger PokerPro said...

Its a hybrid of the two, more like a "yna"

2:52 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

Fine. You can be either a pinhead or a ninnie.

You choose.

4:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice CLASH reference!!!

8:50 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

Speaking of CLASH reference's, I'm sending you something this weekend...

7:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe Strummer in a box?

10:58 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

You must be psychic!

6:28 AM


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