Everybodies Hometown...

Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Eve Libation

So, in case you have forgotten what MoC looks like during his absence from blogging, the exception of course being what I look like as the 'Green Goblin', well look no further.

Here I am with my Kris Kringle beard in full bloom, drinking my Christmas Eve libation at Sligo's and patiently waiting for the love of my life to walk thru the door. I even have a napkin out for her...

...you'd think after 20 years, I'd get bored and go home.


Blogger tedman said...

Glad to see a post. 2008 will be rockin!

9:49 AM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

That must be your face....you couldn't have plagerized that....I have submitted the documents for re-link....unfortunately since they are processed in Holland, then sent onto Costa Rica for approval before being sent to Annapolis for FINAL review--you may not see a functioning link until Mid-February. I'll put some of my PinF cache behind the effort and see if I can't move the process along......

10:38 AM

Blogger cns said...


11:50 AM

Blogger Chuck said...


Who's James Blake?

I got an autographed Rod Laver in my basement sports barrel you can have. It might need to be re-strung.

12:18 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

PinF, if you can get anything processed in Holland in less than a year, you're a better man than I.

12:19 PM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

Chuck she failed to mention that the tennis racket is heart shaped---essentially useless

2:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so excited I can hardly calm my hands to type this message. 2 posts in 3 days??? IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!

11:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I won't even mention the idea that perhaps you let the love of your life slip through your fingers long ago.....you'll never know what you missed!!!!! Okay, so you may have some idea.

Our friend T.R. always stimulates the thought buds........only a fav since a good friend turned me onto Jitterbug Perfume.....for those of you who have not read it, I would make it a 2008 must.

Sorry I missed your CA visit as well, next time. Hope 2008 is filled with overflowing pints, good lovin and good luck.


11:14 PM

Blogger akjn westside said...

You know, you could smile just a bit....might help with that whole love thing!

Stay warm and keep posting - it's delightful!

1:29 PM


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