Everybodies Hometown...

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Public Service Announcement -

People, last year Chuck got a $40,000 grant which has now run out. I have no problem spreading the word among my 10 loyal readers (when you get a second helping via email, forgive me) to ask for money. It is the single most useful thing for him to have down here. I know that all of you make enough that you can help out, if only a little. Down here $20 bucks goes a long way.

I would be most grateful if you could all chip in! You can make a donation via Paypal on his website or mine - just make sure if you do it via mine, that you specify it's to go to OA and not my 'beer fund'.

What I am really looking for is someone who works for a sizable company, that might be willing to make a sizable donation? If you could help spread the word on that front for me, I would appreciate it. If it's a company you work for or you know someone that works for a company that might be willing to help, let me know who I need to talk to, in order to get it done.


Now back to our regularly scheduled program - "what Chuck's eating for lunch"......


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