Everybodies Hometown...

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Reasons I couldn't sleep last night...


The rain on the corrugated roof made it seem like I was sleeping in a steel drum.

The bat in the corner (inside) was chirping all night.

The waves crashing on the beach 50' away made me think the house was getting washed away by a hurricane.

The frogs outside were croaking, the crickets were singing and the toucans were doing what ever toucans do.

The dogs next door were barking all night.

It was so humid I felt like I was sleeping inside a clam.

The air mattress was lumpy.

The Gilligan's Island suspended bed I was sleeping on made me sea-sick from all the rocking.

If I can think of any more later I'll be sure to let you know.


Every house has a fence around it. Most are barb wire. If your house is so small you don't have any yard, then your veranda is fenced in and you have concertina wire on your roof so nobody can climb in your upstairs window. Usually people plant plants along the fence so it looks all natural, but underneath it is barb wire.

Everyone has a dog to eat strangers that come on the property to steal something.
Lock your door and windows every time you go out or else something will be missing when you get back.

The house Chuck and I are in was robbed 3x while it was empty. They stole the TV, the computer and the stereo. But most importantly, the A**holes stole the Mr. Coffee machine! You know how misadventures feels about his coffee....

You think my house looks nice (and I'll load up some more pictures shortly) you should see Walters next door. His is the Longwood Gardens of Costa Rica. He even has a bar on his property and the tab at the top of page 12 says Chuck!


Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

This carlito is what I call a 5 star post. Muy bien my investment is showing signs of a trickling dividend.

6:15 PM

Blogger tedman said...

Chuck, You'll eventually get use to it. If not, drink more. No bed is as comfortable as a good buzz.

Interesting story. Did you really try to go Gilligan's Island hammock style? Impressive. I'd like to see a picture of that.

6:41 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

The owner of the house I think, always wanted to be a sailor. He built 3 platforms (queen size) and suspended them from the ceiling about 2 feet off the ground. Then he had the air mattresses to put on top.

I got on mine and swung for about 15 minutes and started to feel sick, so I untied the ropes that held them up.

I was still swinging after for another 10 until my insides adjusted...

I'll show you a picture tomorrow.

Add this to the reasons I couldn't sleep last night - The wind chimes out back kept playing something that sounded eerily like "Close encounters of the third kind"!! I wanted to run outside and build sandcastles...

9:50 PM

Blogger PokerPro said...

All those reasons you couldn't sleep and not one had to do with INGA VROM SVEEDEN?!!

12:36 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

I know. Sad isn't it?

12:48 PM


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