PROOF POSITIVE, I'm in Costa Rica
Ok, I've seen the comments lately and I'm not sure I like the direction they are going! So I thought I would put this nonsense about me not actually being in Costa Rica to bed, once and for all!
Now, initially I thought I would just do what PinF asked and show my passport stamp, but there is a small problem with that. The stamp is on page 14. It could be anybody's passport that I am showing you, so how to prove it's mine?
I came up with a better idea.
I had Chuck snap an actual photo of me, walking through the jungle. Notice how tan I've become and the all important feature - MY G.W.H's Hat!

That is a nice attempt at confirming your Cahuita existence, but that photo of you could have been taken anywhere. Without the ability to zoom, I personally cannot gain the necessary detail to properly authenticate the location. For all we know, that is you strolling through the Plum Street Mall after a lengthy appointment at the Plummer.
Regardless, I've downloaded and forwarded the photo to the lab. I'll advise results upon receipt.
1:26 PM
The hat's not enough?
4:18 PM
Oh, there is no doubt it's you. I'm just not sure you've left Delaware County yet.
6:10 PM
Peck's got a good point, the photo is a bit fuzzy (or furry). It's possible the horse Chuck was riding at the time was spooked by you as you strolled by.
Also, I think I once saw 2 similar creatures wearing Hawaiin (sp) shirts riding a Honda 550 to a Halloween party, could it be the same creature?
7:01 PM
PinF has taken a step back and allowed this (mis) adventura to go long enough. Bats in the belfry, ripped hammocks, "Taliban" Chuck, and even Swedish nannies. Peck's suspicions like mine, appear to have been well founded.
A cursory scan of your 32 posts returned the search parameter word "computer" 6 times. Hardly the altruistic endeavor it was made out to be. Of course this is completely fine with PinF, as he has enjoyed the "Disney content" up until this point, see: "Swimming Hole", "Me and Taliban Chuck", "Big Swells".....
The key phrase being "Up until This point"....the party's over now.
PinF now needs "Proof of Life" and nothing less. In order to facilitate this and to put this matter to rest for once and for all here's what you the editor, writer, and chief protagonist of El (mis) Adventuras de Carlos must do:
Purchase the local perodical (newspaper), go the la Commandancia de Polcia Police Station). Have your photo taken either with an officer, outside of the Police station, or if your very unlucky-- inside mine and Krush's old cell. I'll need you holding the newpaper with the date CLEARLY VISIBLE in the photo. You may elect to scoff at this request---that is fine.
Of course my monthly wired allotment is queued up at my bank and ready to be electronically catapulted into your "Costa Rican" slush fund. Failure to comply will mean a complete loss of funding for fiscal year 2006, not to mention R&R in Florida when you really tire of sweating (the heat is really coming soon Chuck) My house is a constant 68 degrees...something you will come to crave very, very soon. February weather is quite cool compared to what's on the way.
Upon further consultation with Mr. Peck (via video conference call as we speak) we have decided to make ONE allowance: You may swap the required photo shoot with the police officer for the Swedish nanny
UNDER ONE CONDITION: (as per Mr. Peck, to whom I defer and most definitely agree with) the Swedish Nanny must be in her Swedish bikini---Of course this photo also must contain a local newpaper reflecting the USA today Carlos-----we need the Tico Times.
Upon completion of this mission, funding will be immediately released that should ensure a very comfortable March in Costa Proof of "umbrella drinks". It appears you have plenty of times for quasi-Costa Rican photos, now let's try to put this to rest for once an for all.
NOTE: If in the pursuit of your mission you are taken in to custody by said Policia---your generous monthly stipend MAY be used to secure your immediate release.
9:11 AM
Per posted photo, Chuck must shave before any of these requested picures are taken and separate himslef from the Halloween sightings.
9:29 AM
Fine, fine, fine. If that's all it takes no problemo.
The Tico Times doesn't come out but once a week, on Friday - so you will have to tune in over the weekend, or wait until Monday.
Until then, back to our regularly scheduled program "Disney at the Beach"...featuring Chuck and Lindsay Lohan.
10:04 AM
Butter her up with some SPF for me....
10:07 AM
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