While I have my intern feverishly working on shaving his entire body and trying on bikini's in order to resemble a Swiss nanny, allow me to take the time to respond to a few questions sent to me via email.
A reader from Media asks: "Chuck, it didn't realize the Beebe's were descendents of the Northern Icelandic tribes, and therefore so hairy?"
Good Question Media, but let me elaborate because there is a nice little side story here. Some Beebe's can in fact trace their family tree back to the Northern Icelandic tribes. However, those Beebe's spell their name BEEBEE, and we Beebe's make a conscious decision not to associate with those Beebee's for reasons I won't elaborate on here due to time & space constraints.
The reason for my seeming so hairy in the picture is due to two factors. First, the humid climate and abundance of fresh fruit has contributed to a dramatic increase in hair growth (make note Peck).
Second, when I was packing my trusty straight blade razor, I forgot to pack the razor strop and am therefore not able to sharpen my razor. Given the fact I need to make this blade last for two months, I've made a decision to be a bit hairier. Thus the image you see in the picture.
("Intern, when you're done shaving your legs, get to work on the jail set!")
A reader from Jersey asks: "Hey, it's obvious your HAT is in Costa Rica, how about more proof that YOU are in Costa Rica?"
(Hmmm, maybe Jersey should read the comments?)
Well Jersey ask and you shall receive. In my effort to put this nonsense behind me and get on with my life of leisure - I mean my life of dedication to helping those less fortunate - I will attempt to comply with both of the demands placed upon me by my friend PinF, and mind you, I do this strictly for the personal satisfaction! Any financial gains real or imagined are inconsequential. It's about pride at this point.
Unfortunately, we have a small problem. The Tico Times is scheduled to come promptly -sometime Friday. Usually, they sell out quickly. I however will be accompanying Chuck, his mother (just in town) and possibly a few others to visit an Indian village in Bribri tomorrow. There is a very good chance we will not be back on Friday. In fact, we may be lucky to get out of the jungle with our group fully intact! Currently I am in negotiations, to make arrangements, to sign a contract, that will allow someone to purchase a copy in my absence. (Things are very complicated down here).
Point being, it may be tough to meet the demands placed on me in as timely a fashion as requested. Rest assured, this is not any sort of flim-flam, con, scam, hoodwink, double-cross, dupe, bamboozle or three-shell-game, but an honest admission that everything happens slowly in Cahuita and proof will eventually be forthcoming. Eventually - just like eventually, we will have electric 24/7. But not today.
In the meantime, I have procured for you another small bit of evidence to put in the evidence folder, that I think really strengthens my case!
Have a look -

Ah you did get the hammock out of the closet!
1:21 PM
Looks like Pier One's Spring lawn and garden display at KoP mall...nice try slacker...get the damn paper and image....$$$$$ is riding on this. Patience runs thin, I scheduled for an emergency funding meeting with the other benefactor Mr. Peck....he is none too happy.
2:12 PM
this is so much better than Heidi Klum Project Runway...the drama and inrigue have me hooked on the Proof Positive project.
looking forward to the next installment :)
6:03 PM
wait until Pier One opens tomorrow, should get better when Carlos does a "beach" shoot.....
10:09 PM
On a comnpletely different yet totally related topic, PinF has been, well....let me quote the entry:
"Welcome to the new blog site for Opportunity Access based in Cahuita, Costa Rica. Please check back in a few days as we are only getting this blog up and running."
Like I was saying, I have been "checking back in a few days" for a month update? Who the hell is in charge there? What the hell is going on? Who's running this computer "lab" anyway?
I really need to call a meeting of the funding council....and quick.
We're considering a fact finding mission much like a Senate Appropriations Committee junket without all the perks of course.
I believe Senator Peck will be heading this delegation, I will of course be accompnaying him, Rep. AKJN has also expressed interest due to Costa Rica's coffee production...we're still trying to get Senator Powder on board (CNN), her participation as always, is dictated by solar positioning. That, and the fact that she seems to have a penchant for frozen objects lately.
PinF just isn't seeing the "Save the Children" photos he was expecting...Another cursory search of key words turned up "beer" no less than 87 times on 33 posts....
I believe this fact in of itself commands our presence to sort out what the hell is happening down in CR besides the gathering of kindling wood and processing of guana. The altrustic purposes for which we were all drawn to has now shifted a more "National Geographic Exploreresque" slant.....fine if the readers of (mis)Adventuras de Carlos signed on for this. I for one already have the Animal Planet channel--as such I have no need for the mating cycles of howler monkeys.
The defecating cycles of fruit bats also matters little to PinF, and I believe Senator Peck would concur, the tidal flows of miscellaneous driftwoods also matters little to your readership.
We want, scratch that---WE DEMAND more Chuck. You're getting soft in that hammock. Where's the Peace Corps-esque postings, you know--- Chuck teaching computers to a kid with flies swarming into every moist orifice or opening on his body? That's what I signed on for....Update please.
Of course our "party", and I use this term in the formal sense, as in "fact finding party"---so don't go breaking out the little unbrellas for your girlie drinks---
As I was saying our party reserves the right to make our cursory inspection anytime of the day, we may arrive from Panama, we may arrive San Jose....we're a busy bunch, not to mention we need to find cheap airfare. Be on guard.
6:13 AM
re: shaving mentioned in previous blog post...that kind of shaving will require many steps! The hair will have to be first cut with scissors close to the skin, then use an elecric to get even closer, then get the shaving cream out to use a blade (if you desire, I can send you one of my Venus razors since your strop didn't make it).
Moisturizing is the key final step.
I looked at your pic again and just don't know where to tell you to start...please enlist the help of the Swedish nanny-they are the recogized experts in skin care, AND she can assist with those hard to reach places.
To hair is human; to shave is divine.
11:09 AM
I am not qualified to offer any advice on shaving as I myself have been blessed with a large absence of hair except for everywhere but the top of my melon.
What I am qualified to speak on is the ever-growing US delegation that is currently assembling for the emergency diplomatic visit to Media's Southern Sister; Cahuita, CR. Fortunately the situation down in the guano capital is so dire that despite PinF's earlier promise to the contrary, this delegation will indeed be engaging in all of the perks and then some. We've found a loophole in the bylaws that allows for us, by Executive Order, to bypass the peacetime budget restrictions of this committee when situations require. My friend Carlos, you've put us in just such a situation.
We shall descend upon tiny Cahuita with such a vengeance that the locals won't know what hit them. The resulting economic cataclysm will be unparalleled in the annals of Central America - this will be the biggest foreign influx since the French abandoned the Panama Canal project.
- The Pub and Disco? Consider it open for business.
- Driftwood Beach? Will soon be the single wood source for Carlos's Adirondack Chair Manufacturing, Inc
- The Tico Times? Will soon have daily home delivery
Of course, given the new found perks of this wholly philanthropic mission, the attending member list has grown substantially. In addition to the aforementioned Senator Peck, Special Prosecutor PinF, Rep. AKJN, and Senator Powder (CNN), I do believe we also have Congressmen Clute and Harris, as well as Secretary O'Hara and Undersecretary Nummer among the dignitaries poised to grace you with their presence. We'll all be wearing hats, except for Congressman Harri, who will be dressed as a gorilla.
The list is growing daily, so we might have to actually charter a direct flight. I hate to interrupt your holiday to Bribri, but perhaps you could see your way out of your hammock, grab a sickle and cut out a little landing strip for us.
4:14 PM
5:37 PM
akjn and powder ready...wigs and hats packed...waiting on flight info
5:49 PM
Operation PROOF POSITIVE is a go! I have enlisted the help of USMC Major Dan Creighton, former pilot of the President's Marine 1 helicopter to drop us deep into the CR jungle. We will need a few supplies;
-beer (gotta have beer for any get together, even a black ops mission)
-bat repellent,
-wiffle ball bats,
-shotguns loaded with special Cheney birdshot in the event there might be some CR quail or lawyers nearby,
-portrait artist to paint Chuck in his new habitat, or a digital camera
-large sack for driftwood (I kind of like the driftwood photos)
-platform shoes (goldfish in heels optional) in order to blend into the Shock & Awe pub/disco
-copy of James Fry's latest book for Chuck to learn about playing hoax's on his friends
Until each of you recieves a coded message from a cloaked gentleman, hang tight, work on your tans to blend (Peck just get kind of red), and learning some Swedish might not hurt. Oh and also DON'T TELL CHUCK WE'RE COMING!
PinF can you coordinate a land attack from Krush Groove to flank our parachute drop? Coordinates to come.
7:55 PM
Chuck's Wlater Mitty-esque existance is about to be debunked. I see now that no detail is being overlooked in the committee's search for the "Proof Positive". Chuck's seemingly laissez-faire attitudes with regard to this "Capricorn 1" fraud do a great disservice to the validity of MofC--as such it's time we (the board of Directors_ take action.
Senator Hari appears to possibly "cross the line" with referance to Option "K". The last time this option was exercised it was deep in the Amazonian jungles whilst trying to persuade Hugo Chavez of the virtues of the "World Wiffle Ball League". Suffice to say the Venezuelan military was not amused.
Still I see the seriousness of how Sen. Hario intends to deal with the delusional, and often sad "travels" of Carlos, as he writes from the lawn and garden display of the King of Prussia Pier One. PinF is just that. IN FLORIDA!!. MofCarlos, well I think we all have a pretty clear picture that where he is, you can't exactly fly to.
Option "K" shall remain on the table for now, but only as a last resort. The last time the KMan was in Cahuita he spent the night in jail with PinF himself before jacking two homers over the right field jungle in the 1st ever Cahita vs. Limon softball classic, a game that saw PinF himself hit for the cycle. So I'm not sure how welcomed he would be in this situation.
If nothing else the committee should enjoy a nice trip once we arrive to find that MofC really isn't in C. America, but rather "lounging" at Pier One's teak wood beach/pool collection for 2006 under a sun lamp off of 202 in KofP. PinF is ready, Option "K" has been alerted, and I am in the process of secureing a UV safe body whole body suit for Powder.
8:46 AM
i'll suffer a slight burn for beer, disco, and wiffle ball...
let's get this proof positive chuck driftwood beebe pier one shopping volunteering banana bender wearing mission underway
10:25 AM
Yo necissita un foto!!! Rapido!!
Un foto con policia, o la mujeres de Sweden.....por favor.
10:38 AM
our boy chuck is silent...scrounging up proof I bet...I think I saw him after hours at the Pier One @ 202 & Rte 1 last night on the way home from a late dinner...
8:14 PM
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