Everybodies Hometown...

Monday, January 22, 2007

Stowe Winter Carnival

This weekend was the Stowe Winter Carnival. One of the events taking place was an ice carving contest. Here are a few of the sculptures that are around the town. It's probably good that the weather decided to act like winter...

Sorry I didn't get any pictures of the Jagermeister girls.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...they are great! I've always wanted to see some. Thanks.

2:24 PM

Blogger akjn westside said...

Very nice...how long will they last?

12:30 AM

Blogger PokerPro said...

Which entry was yours Chuck?

9:47 AM

Blogger Chuck said...

How long they last depends on how long the weather stays cold, or until some hooligans decide to knock them over, which ever comes first.

Mine isn't included in the pictures because I carved a giant penis, and they're young people here who shouldn't be exposed to penises, giant or otherwise.

12:09 PM

Blogger akjn westside said...

The last sculpture is semi-phallic, but not really erotic.

9:46 PM


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