Valentines precursor
What does MoC get for Valentines you ask? A box of chocolates? No. A 4-handed massage? No. Flowers? No, no and no!
While the weather in West Palm is down-right balmy - (see handy graphic below) and looks to remain that way all week. Notice nothing out of the ordinary in the graphic below...78* but feels like 80*. Reverse wind chill I guess?
and the weather in Media is pretending to be winter like (again, see handy graphic below). Notice the cute orange "severe" weather alert. Ohhhh, light snow! Rush to the Wawa...26* feels like 16*.
For Valentines, MoC gets a blizzard. Notice my special red alert, with the additional "heavy snow" warning at the bottom. They're talking possibly 2 Feet. That's right, feet. Oh, and it's zero out and feels like -13*!
Happy Valentines Day Chuck. At least I have 24 hours to find someone to get snowed in with....
Jojo thinks that you are better suited for the FL climate...I suggest job searching in the Redneck Riviera, stat.
Happy Valentine's Day, Beebs.
12:32 PM
MoC has already been on a 6 month assignment to the redneck riviera and will not be going back.
12:38 PM
put the mustard sweater on and go to apres ski
shake what your mama gave ya
2:17 PM
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