Everybodies Hometown...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

In other news...

I was glancing at the Burlington Free Press this morning over coffee and the picture on the front page of the business section caught my eye - the caption below it mentioned Media, PA! I of course immediately went online to try to find it for you, but it's nowhere to be found....I guess you will just have to take my word for it.

Sorry people, but that's the best I got.


Blogger akjn westside said...

You are just like the Eagles...getting us all excited for something, then letting us down.

4:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You misread it. It was out of context. The first part was "where do you get these crazy idea SON!?"

" I watch tv and read the paper, it's all over the media, PA!! Open you ears and eyes old man!"


5:57 PM

Blogger cns said...

go out and get some action
it's peak season in stowe right?
what r u waiting for....50?


9:55 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

CNN - what do you think has been keeping me from blogging?

10:36 PM


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