Everybodies Hometown...

Thursday, January 10, 2008


This is my "Bowflex!" I bought on Ebay just before Christmas. It was supposed to arrive prior to Christmas and 6 of the 7 boxes did!

However, box #7 is nowhere to be found?

A couple days after receiving FedEx notification about the Bowflex and when it should arrive, I received UPS notification about 7 boxes scheduled to arrive Jan 4th.

So...while the 7th box never showed up, the 7 other boxes did!

Here is my "other" Bowflex.

If I use two Bowflex's, can I get in shape twice as fast?


Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

Where do you hang your dirty laundry?

8:09 AM

Blogger Chuck said...

The laundry stays on the floor!

Hey, Flash has been over for 3! workouts. Can you believe that?

8:26 AM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

Apparently the release of all this excess seratonin has been helpful with the BLOG. Full reinstatement, to the top of PinF's list mind you-- is becoming an attainable reality.

Of course I'll confer with my council in Annapolis before any rash decisions are made.

Still, it's nice to see there is somewhat of a metamuecil regularity these days to MofC.

10:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


The HOOLRC (High Order of Link Reinstatement Council) had an emergency meeting to determine if reinstatement in the hallowed right column at PinF is warranted. We have determined you have successfully completed Step 1 of the slightly challenging yet not entirely rigorous process of self examination and worthiness. Best of luck on Steps 2 through 17, the Council looks forward to receiving your installment reports and photos.

And don't try to submit any doctored up PhotoPaint images like you've tried to previously pass off as being authentic. The Council will smack you down faster than Nummer rejecting a Pierre Robert advance.

8:19 PM

Blogger PokerPro said...

Chuck, this is a great opportunity for you! Set them all up in a circuit in your living room, pass out some flyers in the neighborhood advertising a new gym facility and BAM! you got membership fees coming in the door and you're on the road to easy street!

12:04 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

PP, that's not a bad idea!

Chuck's Gym
Corner of Lincoln & Lincoln

1:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting you want an apartment full of sweaty guys?

(I know. I haven't commented here in a while and that's all I came up with. Sorry I'm a bit rusty from NOT HAVING MUCH TO RESPOND TO! That's right it's Chucks fault for me not being funny.)

5:33 PM


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