Bribri & Panama
I originally typed this blog up last week, but was having problems with the formatting. For some reason loading up small pictures, I couldn't get anything to stay were I wanted. So, because I really care about my readers, I took the time to upload five - count 'em 5 - larger pictures, and make the formatting all nice and pretty.
Now excuse me, I need to get some rice & beans.

Here we are heading up river in a dug-out canoe on our way to the mud fields of Bribri.
I think that everyone on board, except the Indian's and possibly Chuck was convinced we would capsize.
Luckily for all of us, I got my "canoeing" merit badge in Boy Scouts and am trained for just such an emergency.
The Indian's offered me some "Night Queen Tea" upon arrival. It was quite tasty and I went back for seconds....
...not really sure about much after that....where am I?....who's this Kurtz fellow I'm going up river to see?....I wonder if he will have any Night Queen Tea?...
This was our sleeping quarters prior to departure up river. Notice the traditional "thatched roof", "Indian hand-woven hammocks" and the bug screens and air mattresses from REI.
On the morning of our excursion up river, we set out as a group of 4 after a few swigs of Night Queen tea.

In our group was myself, Taliban, Gema -not exactly sure about how you spell her name? She was a volunteer from England and we brought her along as "trade" material. Leading the party was our trusty guide - Juliodownbytheschoolyard.
Our mission was two-fold. Find the elusive Col. Kurtz. Have tea with him and than recouperate in the local hot springs for our journey back.
After touring the jungle in circles for 2 hours, I needed a break. Here's a photo of Me & Juliodownbytheschoolyard. (you knew that was coming didn't you?!).
Finally we reached our destination. Unfortunatly the Colonel had slipped away. We immediatly proceeded to phase B, operation "hot springs" for a good, refreshing soak.

Here is Gema soaking in the natural hot springs. Doesn't it just look revitalizing? Makes you wanna jump right in! Assuming of course, it was actually deeper than 1"!
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12:14 PM
Nice post Chuck, actually it could have been worse, while uploading your images you could have deleted your entire blog again! Also, is that the same piece of driftwood you're sitting on in an earlier post?
12:16 PM
I like the re-post, Chuck!
Now one to more important things...can you export the tea? Can I make the tea in my BUNN? Please advise :)
Also, being an avid reader of Brit Chick Lit, Gema is actually spelled Gemma, but I won't take any points off for that. Ask her if she smokes Silk Cuts and eats Pimms.
1:14 PM
Did you pack those boots and bring them with you from the USA or did they give them to you to wear on this trip?
4:12 PM
I don't know what Chuck's talking panels and computers?
I had a specific mission, go up river then swim to Panama to escape.
Maybe it was all a dream?
8:41 AM
Am I the only one who thought "Gema" wet her pants? Funny picture.
8:52 AM
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