Everybodies Hometown...

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Betabeware! It's a little term I've coined in light of PinF's recent problems with Blogger. Feel free to save it to your cerebral hard drives for future use. Now for those of you who aren't blessed with the walking knowledge of someone like, say... myself, and unless your name is Tedman you aren't, let me give you a little bit of computer 101.

Companies often release software in beta form, when it's -

  • not quite ready
  • almost ready
  • nearly finished
  • just about done
  • etc.

Anyway, you get the idea. The thought process behind it is actually quite smart - companies get free testing from the end users, who proceed to point out all types of errors and bugs, some of which the company fixes, some of which they don't. A perfect example of the hazards of this is our dear friend PinF who's conversation with Blogger went something like this:

PinF: "hey, I just upgraded to BloggerBeta and now my readers can't leave comments! What gives?"

Blogger: "Yeah, we are aware of that problem, but don't worry, within the next year everyone will be forced to upgrade to BloggerBeta and then it will work fine!"

PinF: "Well, can I revert back to the old Blogger?"

Blogger: "No Mr PinF. You see progress is all about moving forward and you want to move backwards - antiprogress if you will. And who ever heard of antiprogress?"

The idea of releasing a beta isn't only limited to the computer software field. FORD actually released a beta Model T, but it was quickly discovered that having a means of stopping the vehicle was a good idea so they sent it back and installed brakes.

Microsoft releases all of their software in beta form. Problem is they never release it in any form but beta. They just eventually drop the beta from the title. But it's still beta.

My point is when choosing to be on the cutting edge remember that little ditty I coined - betabeware!

PinF, I don't want you to think I'm picking on you, it's just you're the only one to have upgraded so far. If CNN had upgraded, well I would have picked on her. Seeing as how she still doesn't realize holding down the SHIFT key produces capitals and a PERIOD is something that comes at the end of a sentence, not the end of the month, I consider it fortunate she's actually able to manage things over at her blog....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

and some people "like you" delete their blogs, with all their infinite wisdom and knowledge---so your point is quite moot. 100+ Blog entries deleted....what a shame, and probably your best work....

12:56 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

Hey bitterboy. Don't be mad at me because you thought it would be fun to be the first kid on the block to try out the new Blogger version, with all it's fancy bells and whistles and now your stuck with a product you don't like.

Tell you what, if you ask nicely, I'll upgrade to beta too, then at least it will work for the both of us.

4:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nope. no bitterness here mr. stowe...just 110 blog entries not lost, not deleted. stay with the dinosaur....you might delete your latest stuff if you attempt an upgrade---i couldn't have that hanging over my head

5:11 PM

Blogger akjn westside said...

...can't find a more bitter man...

(sing to the Pearl Jam Better Man tune)

6:47 PM


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