Everybodies Hometown...

Friday, March 30, 2007

It will be one of two things...

So I'm driving back from the airport this morning - I was giving PinF's brother Flash a ride to PHL so he could spend 10 days sitting in the sun in West Palm Beach. (Why can't those guys get normal names?).

Listening to the news on XPN, they were talking about the problems Alberto Gonzales is having. They mentioned that behind the scenes George W was telling republicans that Alberto will have to clean up his own mess.

Gonzales isn't one of GW's cronies, so GW is leaving him hanging out to dry. Which brings me to the original point of this whole blog - one of two things will happen.

I have before me, a well worn, grimy old Nike running shoe, which If I'm correct, has some recently fresh dog poo still stuck between what's left of the grooves in the sole. For the curious, it happens to be the left shoe.

I am now hermaphroditically sealing it in a sterile bag -It's a running show for males or females. (It's called writers liberties!)

I will be putting it aside in a box for a brief, or not so brief period of time, until it is needed again. That point will be when - drum roll please;

I believe in 20 years time, and I think 20 years is sufficient but I might wait 50 just to be sure, that history will show that George W is one of the worst presidents ever.

So, one of two things will happen, either he is one of the worst presidents ever, in which case I will throw my old poo encrusted sole of a Nike running shoe that is unisexual away. Or, he isn't in which case I will eat it. That's right, I'LL EAT IT.

And I won't use salt either.

It's been posted on the MoC blog, so it may as well be carved in stone. Check back in the next 20-50 years to see what happens.

Chuck out.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Chuck's back, but will his readers return?

Ok, ok, ok.......no, I'm not dead. But thanks for worrying! It has after all only been 20 days, but maybe in "blogger world", that's an eternity?

Between moving again, and not having access to the Internet, I mean high speed access to the Internet, after all, who uses 28.8 dial up besides my mother, I just haven't had time to blog. Or maybe it's that I haven't had the desire or anything to blog about? Either way, it's time to get back on the horse...

For the benefit of my reading public I have arranged a temporary office space utilizing blazing fast Comcast high speed and a brand new computer. So new in fact it's got Windows Vista on it. Does that make me the first kid on my block to have Vista?

(Considering how opposed I was to upgrading my blogger, I don't think being the first kid on the block to have Vista is a good idea)

Now all I have to do is brew myself a good cup of coffee and wait for the creativity to flow....

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Another quote from Teddy R.

Back when I first started blogging, one of my early posts, the now forgotten "lost blogs" had a quote from Teddy Roosevelt that I copied off a postcard on Andre's wall.

Last night when surfing the web I came across another one, that I like so much I decide to print it for you here today.

The next time you here someone even mention the word "unpatriotic," before they even get to finish their point, shout out this quote at them -

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”

- Theodore Roosevelt quote

Then if that doesn't change their point of view, hit them with a BIG STICK!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

That's so gay....

The PC police are at it again.

I'm not a big fan of PC first of all. People are too sensitive these days. In browsing the web today I came across this article -


The Cliff Notes version is some kids in high school were teasing a girl about being Mormon. One of them asked the question "if she had 10 moms" and she shot back "that's so gay."

This got here in trouble with the principle and now her parents are in a lawsuit with the school over first amendment rights.


I mean, I'm not faulting the parents. What's up with the school? Do we have to be that protective? I can understand exactly the context that was meant when she responded, because it was the same context I would have meant it in when I was running around high school saying everything was "so gay."

But what really gets me is why didn't the lawyer just provide the following:

gay –adjective
1. having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music.
2. bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments.
3. given to or abounding in social or other pleasures: a gay social season.
4. licentious; dissipated; wanton: The baron is a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies.
5. homosexual.

Do you notice any reference to homosexual doesn't show up until number #5? And if you look up the definition of licentious -

li·cen·tious –adjective
1. sexually unrestrained; lascivious; libertine; lewd.
2. unrestrained by law or general morality; lawless; immoral.
3. going beyond customary or proper bounds or limits; disregarding rules.

It seems to me, having 10 moms would be 1,2 and 3! So in fact the girls response to the question was in fact correct.

There. Now that I've vented I feel gay.

Case closed.

Judge Brimstone and Hellfire out.