It will be one of two things...
So I'm driving back from the airport this morning - I was giving PinF's brother Flash a ride to PHL so he could spend 10 days sitting in the sun in West Palm Beach. (Why can't those guys get normal names?).
Listening to the news on XPN, they were talking about the problems Alberto Gonzales is having. They mentioned that behind the scenes George W was telling republicans that Alberto will have to clean up his own mess.
Gonzales isn't one of GW's cronies, so GW is leaving him hanging out to dry. Which brings me to the original point of this whole blog - one of two things will happen.
I have before me, a well worn, grimy old Nike running shoe, which If I'm correct, has some recently fresh dog poo still stuck between what's left of the grooves in the sole. For the curious, it happens to be the left shoe.
I am now hermaphroditically sealing it in a sterile bag -It's a running show for males or females. (It's called writers liberties!)
I will be putting it aside in a box for a brief, or not so brief period of time, until it is needed again. That point will be when - drum roll please;
I believe in 20 years time, and I think 20 years is sufficient but I might wait 50 just to be sure, that history will show that George W is one of the worst presidents ever.
So, one of two things will happen, either he is one of the worst presidents ever, in which case I will throw my old poo encrusted sole of a Nike running shoe that is unisexual away. Or, he isn't in which case I will eat it. That's right, I'LL EAT IT.
And I won't use salt either.
It's been posted on the MoC blog, so it may as well be carved in stone. Check back in the next 20-50 years to see what happens.
Chuck out.