Everybodies Hometown...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Interesting experiment

I found something out tonight that I think is interesting. Check it out for yourself and see if your results differ.

When I look at myself in the mirror, it turns out that my focus generally seems to fall onto the reflection of my right eye. In staring at myself it just feels natural to look into my right eye.

However, when I actually stare at myself in the "left eye" not only does it feel "not quite right" but if I stare long enough, it's like I'm looking at someone else. Sort of an evil MoC....

Go experiment and report back.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do I know you? Time to get an additional hobby. Blogging is obviously still leaving you with too much free time.

10:56 PM

Blogger Chuck said...


Which eye?

8:18 AM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

You look evil no matter which eye I view u from.

9:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stare into my left eye. Could it be right handed people stare into their left while lefties stare into their right?

Stare into your brown-eye and report back on your findings

7:06 PM

Blogger cns said...

this post is funny...
it's up there with the one about the different medical ailments, symptoms, and medications

8:46 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

CNN - it's not supposed to be funny!

This is serious, scientific work we're conducting here!

Now pay attention.

8:15 AM

Blogger Chuck said...

That being said, Hari's comment made me laugh!

I'll report back my findings later in the weekend.

Along with the other 3 blogs I've been storing in my head (if you guys are lucky, that is)

8:16 AM

Blogger Chuck said...


You could be right and it certainly makes sense, the whole left brain, right side and vice versa.

I've definitly noticed that my right seems to be the dominant one. If I look at anything, it's almost always the right side of my nose that I see, more than the left.

I'm going to experiment on this over the weekend and report back on my left-eye, right-eye, brown-eye findings....

8:19 AM


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