Late night excitement
My early AC filled sleep was rudely interrupted by the sounds of screeching tires followed closely by a bang, crunch, pop, bang and more tires.
The driver of a grey Honda - I know it's a gray Honda because he left his front bumper in the street (see below) ...

...was traveling around the corner a bit too fast. After bouncing off the Audi (see below)

it flew across the street and hit my neighbor Ricardo's car. He's from Costa Rica by the way!

Pushed his ass end up on the lawn.
Then in an apparent attempt to make his getaway, almost backed over the cliff, that was previously protected by the guard rail he took out on the first pass...

He was relatively quickly apprehended by the police.
No word yet on how many cocktails he had.
Battling Betty is in fine shape.
question we know him?
4:18 PM
Was it a Gizzio, who upon exiting the car proclaimed "I gotta take a wicked piss!"
10:53 PM
Chuck, I read the police report (public records) and the driver claimed that he had to swerve violently to avoid hitting a "gnome-like" character in the middle of the road. Get a leash on that little friend of yours before something really bad happens in Media. Also, is he available for a road trip later this month?
11:52 AM
someone was over-served
1:46 AM
CHUCK HUCK Uck ck kkkkk ???
(that's supposed to be an echo)
7:17 PM
Clean the apt....I'll be over this weekend for cocktails
10:14 PM
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