Everybodies Hometown...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Chain mail

I'm not participating in your book of the month club Jojo, MoC can't read.....

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Fresh coffee!

My neighbor who's a tico, which means he's from Costa Rica in case you didn't know the term, just got back from a trip home.

I bring it up not to show that the corner or Lincoln & Lincoln is a diverse neighborhood, but because he brought me 6 lbs of coffee.

You heard right - SIX POUNDS!

I'm having a coffee party and you're all invited. Invitations forthcoming shortly....

Monday, August 20, 2007

Happy Birthday CNN

Happy birthday wishes go out to CNN - the person, not the Ted Turner creation, who if she hadn't gone out with Ray, could have had some real fun with all her friends at the "Man in Black" show as well as the giant tuaca bottle.

Maybe next year.

Friday, August 17, 2007

all the leaves are brown....

Viola! Chuck has been transported to Northern California wearing the same yellow shirt we last saw him in, hanging out with Moussa in Media.

Magic teleportation or merely a coincidence?

The size of the coastal redwoods (for you Dore - by the way, where are you?) always impressed me and pictures just can't do something that big justice.

But I digress as this was actually at the end of my trip, so let me back up...

Lest readers think PinFlight and CNN are the only two who know people getting married - think again. MoC also was able to crash a wedding - I mean was invited to the wedding of his two friends Neil and Julie, or as I prefer Dr and the Chef.

In typical California fashion it was a simple backyard casual affair, complete with Hawaiian shirts and flip flops. In fact being one of only two wearing a tie, I felt a bit over dressed. However, as I said to anyone who would listen, if I didn't wear a tie to the wedding, you'd never see me in one.

My congratulations go out to the two of you and it was a wonderful time, thanks for inviting me! And I won't embarrass you in MoC fashion by even mentioning that little incident with the ring on the wrong finger, although I do have the picture saved for posterity. Oh wait....too late.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Saturday Recap

Here I am at the Plumstead, giving a little love to my friend Moussa.

And here I am a bit later giving a little love to my friend Natalie.

Apparently, it wasn't as well received.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Well my friends, I know you have been waiting patiently like good little Buddhist's for signs of enlightenment from the Master (of ceremonies (MoC)) here at MoC. Or at least a good one-two punchline.

Well the wait is over, or just about.

I have it on good authority from multiple sources that you are about to be rendered borderline unconscious from the shock and awe blog attack that is to be unleashed in the coming days.

I asked the Magic 8 Ball - "will there be a blog explosion at MoC" and the answer was "sources say yes!"

I consulted the Farmers Almanac - and that's right- blog season opens Friday! A whole week early this year.

So sit back and have a cold two, after all who can have just one? And look forward to some of these upcoming blogs:

  • "Chuck and Moussa unleash revelry in the Plumstead."
  • How 30 days of Buns-of-Steel shaped my butt into that walnut all the girls of Brighton love.
  • My up close and personal interview with PinF - here forth know as PinFlight. (you heard it here first!)
  • Chuck returns to the land of the sequoia's - Humboldt Co.

Starts Friday, in a theater near you!