Well my friends, I know you have been waiting patiently like good little Buddhist's for signs of enlightenment from the Master (of ceremonies (
MoC)) here at
MoC. Or at least a good one-two punchline.
Well the wait is over, or just about.
I have it on good authority from multiple sources that you are about to be rendered borderline unconscious from the shock and awe blog attack that is to be unleashed in the coming days.
I asked the Magic 8 Ball - "will there be a blog explosion at
MoC" and the answer was "sources say yes!"
I consulted the Farmers Almanac - and that's right- blog season opens Friday! A whole week early this year.
So sit back and have a cold two, after all who can have just one? And look forward to some of these upcoming blogs:
- "Chuck and Moussa unleash revelry in the Plumstead."
- How 30 days of Buns-of-Steel shaped my butt into that walnut all the girls of Brighton love.
- My up close and personal interview with PinF - here forth know as PinFlight. (you heard it here first!)
- Chuck returns to the land of the sequoia's - Humboldt Co.
Starts Friday, in a theater near you!