Danger Lurking Everywhere!
After surviving chance encounters with 17 varieties of poisonous snakes in the back country of CR (where I currently reside, despite rumor-mongering by certain individuals bent on slandering my good name), I get up Sunday morning to take care of business only to be greeted with a "buenos dias" by the following:

Getting away only slightly bruised, or more accurately stung, I decide to get some sun at the beach, only to come across my latest piece of drifttree. As I've mentioned before, when surfing, swimming or generally frolicking in the water, you need to watch out for drifttree that might get washed up with the last storm:

I'm always amazed at what washes up in the Springton Resevoir!!! Just be careful of the park rangers, they don't allow swimming.
5:47 PM
Clever--- shooting file footage at the reservoir, well spotted Senator Hari. Just illustrates the depth of deception that Carlitos would be taking shots last summer in anticipation of his "CR" trip.....
7:45 PM
Chuck, what's up with the zoom feature on your camera?!?!? Your shots are like a 1000 yrds away.
Besides, I know exactly where that spot is on Springton Lake. We drank beer there in highschool.
10:00 PM
Again Carlos, you missed your calling....clearly a 20cent plastic prop from Deal's.....I'm thinking you should be on the Ashton Kuchner show Punked..you're good...really. LOL at your funny pranks.....I may reconsider funding now due to creative props, gags and photo manipulations.
8:56 AM
Amazing what I can do with a plastic scorpion and the bowl here at the psych center.
And how about the way I airbrushed the "tropical" background of me sitting on the log out in the courtyard during "quiet time" to make it look like CR! That definitly isn't MSPAINT work.
The good news is the doctor says I'm doing better and should be getting out any week now...at least that's what they keep telling me.
10:24 AM
I prefer to work from a 1000 yards +, it helps to cover up things.
Much like you prefer the B&W medium...
10:54 AM
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