Everybodies Hometown...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I bid you all adieu


That was the number when I checked statcounter this morning for 'unique visitors', however they categorize unique.

10,005 which is funny become it comes very close to my 1 year anniversary, I'm about a week away - give or take.

So, 1 year, 254 posts and 10,000+ visitors. Not bad if I may say so myself. Along the way there have been a few 'lame dogs', but for everyone one of those there was also a 'best in show'.

And with that in mind I'm here to announce it's all come to an end. I'm pulling the plug. No more.

Blogging tends to be very much, a one-way communication. I write something, you read it and it ends there. This has become very apparent to me these past 2 months when I was in Costa Rica. Yes, sure there are the "comments", but they aren't really a conversation. I think if you were to survey all the bloggers, my guess is less than 10% actually blog just for the sake of writing. After all, if you didn't care what people thought of your blogs, you could turn off the comments.

As it is my blog is a bit of a reflection of myself, or at least my sense of humor. It doesn't lend itself to a discussion of the weightier issues - gun control, abortion, religion, euthanasia and all that kind of light party chat, at least not in it's current format. The kind of issues that get the "Richie's" of the world all worked up into a lather!

So maybe I return in a different form and maybe I don't? Only time will tell on that.

Until that question is answered, thanks for tuning in!

Chuckster out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now what am I supposed to do while at work.

12:14 PM

Blogger PokerPro said...

Don't make any hasty decisions..I hope you still come to the impromptu gettogethers at Sligo.

1:46 PM

Blogger cns said...


2:31 PM

Blogger cns said...

early april fool's day joke?

2:36 PM

Blogger PokerPro said...

Chuck, you only have 308 profile views, and the page views are probably so high because I usually check your site at least 20 times a day for fresh content.
You are far from finsihed in completing your task..Your work has only just begun!!Get back to the keyboard!!

3:15 PM

Blogger tedman said...

Don't do it. Don't fall into the realm of obscurity. MofC will be greatly missed if you do.

You're talented!!!!!

8:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lame - O!

8:35 PM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

As usual it's all "about Chuck"...fuck the readership.

Must we comment? Is that why you write? And so I ask.....did you do such a good job on that stone wall in Media that I saw for money, or because you care enough to want to do it well?

Compliments and comments are nice Chuck, we as humans all seek praise and adulation. Still is there not a higher purpose to your rants? PinF would like to think so.....I put heavy thoughts out there, and I know they are read, if someone chooses to comment fine, if not it matters little.

You know you're being read because of your Barry Bondesque readership numbers*....so what, you need praise too? C'mon Chuckster, you're tougher than that......if not, then maybe you should move along.

PinF for one is a HUGE fan of MofC, though most time "help wanted's" don't compel me to comment.....I still read and enjoy your post everyday....snap out of it man.....jeez...where's the cynical, sarcastic, witty and self deprecating MofC we all knew? I must consult with Peck, as it appears once again this site has been taken over.....PinF

8:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feedback wanted, feedback received. Bravo Chuck, mission accomplished.

While I'm impressed by the clever subtlety you've employed to seek your desired goal, I am concerned that this latest manipulation of your loyal audience may come at a price. Don't go to the well too often, as some may not be so forgiving.

So I press on in suspended disbelief - a reliable defense mechanism that has worked well for me in the past. I, for one, cannot actually fathom that you'll no longer be contributing hypertext and giggles. The irony is that the Costa Rica Era for which you've referenced your frustration was some of your best work.

Of course, if it is true, we'll have to seek an alternative to help us cope with our respective daily banalities. PinF, I'm thinking we can create our own little JT LeRoy - it won't be as much fun as the (m)AoC, but maybe we can read about loose women and cold beer again.

11:02 PM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

This is all very reminscent of the "argument" I had with "Sam" on the "lost" MofC posts that were "accidentally deleted", remember that PinF vs. MofC "reader" Peck? Mysteriously it drove some of the biggest hits and comments ever for a MofC post.

Of course being the generous PinF that I am, PinF was happy to lend "creedence" to this particularly "suspect post".

And now, once again I see this "post" is causing a stir...a kind of "..please Chuck, don't go!!" atmosphere....brilliant !!!

MofC is clearly one of two things as far as PinF can tell.....
A brilliant marketing man, or.....severly longing for the MofC "glory days"....only time will tell.....

Looks like the 'old, dyke filling, beer swizzling, bicycle riding, super model bumpin' into MofC to me. Up to his old jump start the "comments" trick to me. Classic.

11:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding me.......it's a blog, perhaps you are making this a much bigger issue than it needs to be. Pull up your big boy underwear, deal with whatever the hell is going on and sit down and blog!!!!!

6:37 PM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

ouch.....don't mess with Doris.

6:53 PM

Blogger akjn westside said...

What the hell is going on here? You can't just stop...we all take breaks here and there, but never quit!
Checking your blog daily completes me, Chuck, and if you go away my balance will be thrown off and I will have to resort to taking an antidepressant....I will send you the bills.
Your posts are awesome, you big jerk!
Don't you dare leave our blog community...are you still upset about the blogger award?

6:53 PM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

ouch.....don't mess with Doris.

6:53 PM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

ouch....don't mess with jo.

7:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck do not stop blogging!! what's your problem are you crazy??

11:01 AM

Blogger cns said...

blogless chuck...are u gonna be out in media this wknd?
cnn needs to slap you

11:19 AM

Blogger PokerPro said...

AS I said before this shit is like Cosa Nostra, its for life! There is no retiring!

12:03 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

A Scooby-snack in the form of a blog-length comment and a brief introduction to Buddhism, which I will call Buddhism 101.

The first 2 of 4 Noble Truths are roughly –
1) All of life is suffering
2) We suffer because of our desires

Do I need to elaborate for you who have failed to have the RDA of morning coffee or do you see where I am going already?

No, ok then. I’ll elaborate.

You want to be able to get up in the morning, have your coffee and browse the Internet reading your favorite blogs. And if you are lucky enough to have high-speed cable and unlucky enough that none of your 5 favorite blogs have been updated, then you can be done in about 60 seconds. Of course, with nothing new to read you are not starting your day off joyously.

But oh, when you come across a new blog article and it turns out to be a doozy, ah nothing like starting your day out with a good belly laugh, perhaps even a chortle! Heck, just saying the word “chortle” might be enough for some of you to get a laugh!

And believe me I understand these feelings perfectly well because I go through the same routine! And I love it when I write a good blog and I just know that some of you out there are chortling your toast right out your left nostril. Believe me, that is my goal! Maybe I can even chortle up some coffee to clean the nostril of crumbs?

But now, dare I say your favorite blog, has been taken away from you! Now you are suffering because you desire MisAdventuresofChuck. And let me take it a bit deeper here and we will move on to love and hate. Not opposite ends of the spectrum as many believe but two sides of the same coin. You love me when I fulfill your desire and make you feel good, but you hate me when I don’t. Look no further than the comments for proof. The very people who love and enjoy reading me, are now angry with me!

How dare I! Take away your blog!

But it is ok, this sort of thing really has nothing to do with blogs, it has to do with life. It is the same thing with EVERY situation. Suffering & desire & love & hate….the blog is just an example. So next week, when you can no longer read my blog in the morning, you can spend 5 minutes pondering it all. Begin a small spiritual journey. That way by the end of the week, we will all have learned a little bit about ourselves (at least 25 minutes worth anyway) but that might be something really worthwhile!

And for the record I no longer suffer, because I desired to stop blogging. So now I’m happy and full of bliss while you are all miserable – but remember, it’s not me causing your misery it’s you.

Teacher out.

1:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get over yourself.

1:27 PM

Blogger cns said...

go get some coffee and quit crying

3:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:08 PM

Blogger PokerPro said...

Someone must have pissed in your corn flakes or something to unleash this maelstrom. Chuck, we don;t hate you we just think you're making a mistake, blogging can be as uplifting for the writer as it is for the reader and even if you only touch one person with your post that can make all the difference in your buddhistic(?) view of the world. I just don't want to see you end up roaming up and down State Street with a 24 oz. Hawaiin Kona in one hand, a Vermont Maple Crunch in the other wearing a "The Sky is Falling" sandwhich board!!

3:44 PM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

Upon further review it is PinF's sincere belief that you need to get laid in a big way oh Shaolin teacher.

I am personally going to have to fly there, arrange for a call girl (my treat) and see to it that she works you 7 different ways to the enlightenment that you really need. If this doesn't give you a chortle, nothing will.

All this "love and hate" talk...nothing more than code words for:"Chuck needs some ass"....

PinF is going to be making the necessary calls to see to it that your are fulfilled on a more basic level than nirvana....PinF out.

3:49 PM

Blogger PokerPro said...

I tried to get him involved in the menage a quint I had at Sligo last month but he just didn't seem interested.

4:03 PM

Blogger cns said...

the coffee shop babes seemed excited about chuck...i think they sell condoms at deal's

4:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

MofC...did you just get your period for the first time? The coffee shop babes can help explain it to you...

4:55 PM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

PinF condones any comment no matter how harsh...there is one basic tenant (unwritten of course). And that is if you are going to be condesending, rude,abusive or downright mean...you at least have the balls not to enter under an "assumed" name, or worse still as the weasel, you know "anonymous"...be an adult and at least identify yourself, or else your comments are nothing more than chortle fodder, sort of like a kid who rings the doorbell and runs....cute--but childish.

5:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OVER? Did you say "over? Nothing is over until WE decide it is!

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell No!

What the f*** happened to the MofC I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts? "Ooh, we're afraid to go with you Hari, (I don't know where I'm going but it works with the quote) we might get into trouble. Well just kiss my ass from now on! Not me! I'm not gonna take this.

Chuck in Leiden-he's a dead man
in Costa Rica-dead. Back in MMMEEEDDDIIIAAAAA.....

5:48 PM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

And all this time i was under the impression the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor....SEE THAT CHUCK?

Yet one more reason you can't close shop...your site is a clearing house for information....jeez so i guess it wasn't the German's who caused the Holocaust afterall...I gotta get with that Hari and figure out just what the hell i've been thinking all these years......

7:00 PM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

Once again the Sultan of Silence screams quiet truths.
Could it be so simple? Chuck is longing for more personal satisfaction and meaning hmm...interesting perspective from Taliban Chuck. Seems to make sense....look at MoC's last post before playing the "Barry Sanders" card....he was seeking:


Wanted: Job
I would prefer if it provided the following:
(after careful consideration, I have narrowed the list)

1.mental stimulation
3.a bit of pay
4.food for my soul.

Any leads please forward all relevant info to this blog.

Requirements 1,2 and 4 seem to support Opportunity Access's point of view...very astute indeed. Further proof that still waters run very deep.

For Christ's sake Chuck needs to join the Franciscans!! This would seem to meet all his "requirements" and still keep him fulfilled enough to blog. Monks don't get laid though...could be a problem....or is it? Hmm lot's of comments on this blog....I'm quitting next.

8:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice Animal House reference earlier from hari and the germans bombing pearl harbor

10:46 PM

Blogger akjn westside said...

I am extending a personal invitation for dinner in the treehouse...let's have a sit down.
I am changing tactics-we will woo you back to blogging with food, drink and conversation rather than harshing on you...what do you say?

2:30 AM

Blogger cns said...

chuck, it's 3am and i am extending a personal invitation for a sit down dinner in my bedroom
i will woo u back to blogging with sex...what do you say?

3:11 AM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

Typical CNN, always worrying about HER needs.....what about Chuck?

8:41 AM

Blogger Chuck said...


Funny stuff.

Sorry CNN I was already pre-occupied at 3 am last night. However, I'm free tonight if you need a good spanking (cause I know you're into that kind of thing, JoJo told me). Call me when your finished at Kildares (sp?).

As best as I can tell, I'm not suffering from jungle fever of any sort, lack of sex, but thanks for your concern, blood loss or urine in my corn flakes.

There are thousands of blogs out there, I'm sure you can find one as entertaining as mine. Hell it might even be mine......

7:43 PM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

So it has been written; let it be done. Link removed. PinF

11:53 PM

Blogger cns said...

well said pinf
bye bye (mis)adventures
link removed

2:39 AM

Blogger Chuck said...

At least you went down swinging...

9:15 AM

Blogger akjn westside said...

How lucky I am to have something that makes saying good-bye so hard. Link removed-Peace out, Chuck!

12:53 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

Oh the drama of it all!

I should expect in the next 2 hours that Pokerpro will follow suit and remove the link as well...

But if I was a betting man, I suspect Tedman might leave the link up.

10:27 AM

Blogger PokerPro said...

I say we just keep the blog alive through this comment box. That will show Chuck!!

10:45 AM

Blogger akjn westside said...

I cheated-I removed the link, but kept youin mt favorites-I'm still reading and commenting every day!

4:13 PM

Blogger cns said...

uh chuck
the delete button is BIG and ORANGE
you have scene it before?

4:23 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

If I delete my blog, then I won't have any links to YOUR blog.

More importantly, why are you so bitter?

5:32 PM

Blogger cns said...

i'm bitter cause chuck is a quitter

7:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) chuck, I will truely miss your blog. I hope you are well. Take care and email soon, Leigh

10:01 PM

Blogger PokerPro said...

I'm keeping his link up, as I know he will be back! A few beers at Sligo, a perverted late-night rendezvous with some strange and voila!...Chuck is back!

12:56 PM

Blogger cns said...

um...do we know "leigh?"

1:11 PM

Blogger tedman said...

The mystery surronding your return or lack thereof reminds me of the Le Pere Lachaise Cemetery in eastern Paris where J. Morrison was buried.

Pehaps I'll hang out at your virtual site, drink virtual beer, spray virtual graffiti and rumor that you faked your own blog demise.

The World Awaits!

5:35 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

CNN is jealous! And no, you don't know Leigh.

Hey 51,no now 52 comments. Does this count as blogging?

5:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck you are a very cheeky bastard. You're blog is crushing all past post milestones.

My virtual hat is off to you oh master blogger.

I must now return to my virtual Guinness.

Where's D2 during all of this? Is she in on this?

6:37 PM

Blogger cns said...

hey chuck...tennis weather is here
time to open up a can of whooop ass on mr. "i quit my blog"

8:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


You go girl! I don't even know you and I'm sure you could kick Mr. Zen Teacher I Give Up Man a thing or two.

9:38 PM

Blogger PokerPro said...

Just look at the community Chuck has built with his "last" blog. This is what its all about Chuck! Oh the humanity!!

10:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hari: I'm still here as virtual mother of MoC. The ZenMaster has just about rendered me speechless. I'm going to have to go talk to "crazy man" in the basement.

12:12 PM

Blogger tedman said...

Dang! PinF really did delete his link on his blog to MofC. Ut oh, this isn't good.

6:57 PM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

Tedman---my readers desire content. I respect Chuck's decision...therefore I must respect too our collective readerships. If Chuck wants to recede from the scene I can't keep steering people to a site with no current blogging. I deleted my brother's too, he had two posts in two months. Chuck wants to stop blogging, my readers want to "read" blogs. I can't send people to a known dead blog. Afterall the commentators of this blog have collectively provided more content that Chuck himself....figure that. If my man Chuck comes back...so will his link on my site.

6:54 AM

Blogger akjn westside said...

I can't beleive we are all still visiting and commenting...MofC's master plan....

9:55 AM

Blogger cns said...

Are you sure you want to delete this blog?

Delete It

1:06 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

Who said anything about deleting the blog? I only said I wasn't going to add to it, which isn't entirely true. I'll have one last Microsoft Paint masterpiece to unvail over the weekend.

I don't mind PinF - which by the way stands for PiedPiper in Florida - when he plays his pipe, all the women just follow him accordingly....So I don't mind you removing my link. But I know you're just trying to have a "pissing contest" with me about this and I'm not going to fall for it. I have a UTI and it hurts when I pee.

So there.

1:42 PM

Blogger cns said...

you gotta wipe front to back

2:18 PM

Blogger PokerPro said...

CNN is right, plus you should drink cranberry juice. Must have been a hell of a last night in Costa Rica!!

2:53 PM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

what was his name/? hehehehahahahah PinF has no intention in entering into any bodily fluid contest with you Chuck---sorry. Just quit the pouting log back in for a real post and You'll be #1 link again. You yourself said:

Yes, sure there are the "comments", but they aren't really a conversation. I think if you were to survey all the bloggers, my guess is less than 10% actually blog just for the sake of writing. After all, if you didn't care what people thought of your blogs, you could turn off the comments.

So lets quit the "No one comments....aprreciates....loves Chuck rap" and get the hel;l back on the proverbial bike....you know like you did in Holland? Your ruse worked you finally got people to comment....now come in from the cold Chuck.

4:28 PM

Blogger akjn westside said...

what's your statcounter at now?

5:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

April fools.....

7:55 PM


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