Everybodies Hometown...

Monday, October 30, 2006

If I could have time in a bottle....

I couldn't take it anymore. I don't know if it was the crappy weather all weekend, the fact that I stayed in Friday and Saturday, or that the Eagles once again lost, but last night I had to get out of my seclusion and venture out into the great wide open.

Or in this case, head to Pie-Casso for a pizza for dinner. Which is just what I did.

And what is pizza without beer I ask? So the flavor-du-jour was Stella Artois. A fine beer and one I'm used to drinking from the draft or if you prefer, draught. Last night, it came to me in a bottle. This gave me the opportunity look over the label. It seems those crafty monks in Belgium have been brewing beer since 1366.

And the 1366 really caught my eye. As it turns out, myself, my friend Hari and Stella Artois were all born in the same year. Ok, technically Stella is 600 hundred years older than the two of us, but we were all born in '66.

This year Stella turns 640 years old, or perhaps already did? Later this year, and there isn't much of this year left so later is right around the corner, Hari and I turn....well, you can do the math.

Ok, I'll say it, the big FOUR-O. Not really old by brew standards or redwood trees, but in human years we've reach that all too significant midway point. And I've been waiting a long time for this.

You see when we were younger, Hari could always hold it over me that he was "older than me." And when you are young, you want to be old. And when you are old, you want to be young. Now the tables have turned. No longer is Hari "older than me"...ok, well he still is, but now "I'm younger than you!" That is the important part. And for the rest of our lives I will always be "younger than you."

So I know it's a bit early, but let me be the first to say Happy Birthday Hari - you old man, from one-not-quite-so-old-man.

You too Stella.


Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

Age doesn't matter unless you're a cheese Chuck.

Having said this, you are occasionally cheesey, but you are not a dairy product.

Suffice to say---age does not matter.

10:35 AM

Blogger PokerPro said...

Were they having their special "$9 Beer Nite" again?

10:42 AM

Blogger cns said...

chuck when is the big 4 0 ?

r u comin down or do we need to come to u?

special events

1:31 PM

Blogger akjn westside said...

please provide more details on the 4-0.

special events assistant

2:10 PM

Blogger d.K. said...

Midway into your post I had to grab a Grolsch light - mmmmm. I'm not a beer drinker normally, but it sounded so good.

Then I read the remainder of the post and realized it had little to do with beer at all. BTW, I'm now 47, so I have you all beat (except Stella, that is).

5:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, a post dedicated (partially) to me!? What can I say? Being your 3 day elder I hope I've taught you well. I hope you've learned from my mistakes in life. I hope you've never been asked by your Univ. to pack your bags and not come back, drink too much and spend the night in jail, work with Noel, associate with various riff-raff in Media, or attemp to scarf down an Apollo pizza within 30 seconds of exiting the oven.

Do you have room for me, TY, and Camps?

Can we expect a series of retrospective entries?

That is all young sapling, go in peace, and spread the word (of what I have no idea, but it's probably better than other things you might spread)

5:27 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

1- But if I was a cheese, I think I'd opt for chedder.

2- $3.50

3/4- The big "hawaii 4-0" is in December, and I'm still up in the air as to if I coming down or not?

5- Ahhhhhhh Grolsch. They may come in small glasses in Holland, but that matters little when you try to drink 15 of them....delicious.

6a - Is that some sort of trick statement?
6b - I have lot's of room.
6c - No
6d - Thanks wise old Joshua tree, I will go forth and spread the gospel according to Chuck.

9:26 PM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

"Chedder"....that's cute. You got that spelling from a box of Better Chedder's didn't you?

Don't let the Cheese Council of Vermont see you spelling their beloved cheese that way.

9:58 AM

Blogger Chuck said...

My spelling short-comings are already well documented. As far back as my third grade report card, where there was a check mark in the box next to "needs to work on spelling"

4:02 PM


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