Everybodies Hometown...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Simple Questions

You know how when you hear your own voice recorded, you are always a bit surprised by what you sound like? This in a nutshell is a perfect analogy for today's blog.

We have an opinion of ourselves, and also an idea of what our friends think about us. What type of person they think we are, our personalities and beliefs. Of course, when we actually ask them what they think, we can be a bit surprised by what they say. Much like hearing our recorded voice.

For example, I think I'm an hyper-intelligent, extremely lovable, worlds most under appreciated athlete, who will some day be a millionaire.

You think I'm an ignorant, sometimes funny, cold and distant, mediocre at best athlete, who will never amount to anything in societies eyes.

What? You think that about me? Bastards, all of you!

And I think subconsciously we are always aware of the fact that their perception of us is different from what we think it is, so we don't ever bother to ask. We are afraid to know the truth. It's a bit of a blow to the old ego to find out what your friends really think about you, because it's never the same as what we think it is, not necessarily better or worse, just different, but that's enough to bruise our ego.

Which is perfect for me. You see, I'm trying to attain enlightenment and to do that you must destroy the ego anyway. So this could be a real opportunity for growth.

Actually I'm being a bit misleading. I'm not interested in hearing what type of person you think I am, in fact please don't offer up you opinions voluntarily! Especially you PinF.

I do however want to know how you think MofC/AofC feels about these 3 simple questions. The idea came about while watching the whole FlushLimbaugh/M. Fox controversy on the news this morning. I didn't really feel l like aggravating my carpal tunnel syndrome typing about Rush, so I decided to go in this direction.

How do you think Chuck feels about;

  1. Stem cell research
  2. Abortion
  3. Gun control

Simple questions.

They're all simple, it's only the answers that are difficult.

Chuck out.


Blogger akjn westside said...

Chuck is:
1. Pro stem cell research
2. Pro life; but abortion should not be a method of birth control
3. (not sure, but here's a guess) Yes to waiting period, no on automatic weapons, raise age to 21 for purchase

Am I close? My mom says hi...she asked about you today :)

5:11 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

Close enough for hand grenades.

7:08 PM

Blogger d.K. said...

Hey Chuck;
I believe you favor federal funding (through universities) of stem cell research.
You believe in a woman's choice, while personally abhoring abortion (a la libertarian viewpoint).
You disagree with gun control, as unnecessary intrusion by the government into individuals' private proclivities/lives.

You're also funny, witty, serious, with a restless wanderlust that may well never be completely satiated.

Am I even close?
dK - Out.

12:04 AM

Blogger Chuck said...

DK - more importantly, at least to me, than how I really feel about issues 1,2 and 3, is that you recognize that I am funny, witty, serious and have a restless wanderlust.

We can get by in life keeping our beliefs good/bad/ugly/beautiful safely tucked away inside.

But for the most part we do have to interact with others and if I can do so in a funny, witty, serious way, all the while displaying a restless wanderlust to move on to the next stop, well I can live with that.

Thank you. You've put a smile on my face.

7:35 AM

Blogger akjn westside said...

I thought you weren't interested in hearing what type of person you were....I think you are a Sweet Begonia :)

11:58 AM

Blogger Chuck said...

Sweet Begonia?

Don't you think that makes me sound a bit funny, and I don't mean ha ha ha?

12:50 PM

Blogger akjn westside said...

Sweet Begonia is a term created in 1987-88 by the Penncrest gang to describe one of 2 things:

1. something really awesome
2. a hot dude

take your pick..you qualify for both!

1:11 PM

Blogger cns said...

he's a petunia

2:13 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

What? Not even SWEET Petunia?


4:23 PM

Blogger akjn westside said...

Pinf-excellent move! LOL!

2:37 PM

Blogger cns said...

very aggressive

4:28 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

Dude, at least mine was original. Both in content and idea.

Plus my blog really isn't working...

So okay, I'll just stop posting until Blogger comes up with a solution.

6:54 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

If you want to see Paynter in Florida's deleted comment, go here:


7:25 PM

Blogger PAYNTERinFLORIDA said...

Might as well add "Free Speech" to your list of issues.....

PinF was merely supplying your readers something good to read over here.

You're like the old Soviet news aganency TASS....

Don't hate the players Chuck---hate the game.

7:36 AM


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