Everybodies Hometown...

Friday, October 13, 2006

Only questions, no answers and a statement thrown in

Gas prices are continuing to drop. Why? Why now all of a sudden?

Dow Jones is apparently setting records. Seems to me, the last time the stock market was setting records was around 98-02. Everyone was getting rich from over inflated tech stocks wondering when it would all adjust. The Government was running a surplus instead of a deficit and the worst thing happening was Bill lied about getting a hummer. I certainly felt a lot more positive about the record setting stock market and the economy overall then. How about you?

Pro or Con? It is seeming more likely that North Korea did in fact test a nuke. Had they not (and again, maybe this question is irrelevant now) would it have possibly been better to just act like they actually had one, instead of announcing to the world they didn't?

This guy today who won the Nobel Prize - Muhammad Yunus. That's a good story! Bully for you! (No question there.)


Blogger d.K. said...

With housing prices plummeting and the deficit/debt skyrocketing, I find the stock market boom a bit curious too. I'm not an economist, but you're right, the timing, along with that of significantly cheaper gasoline, is indeed reason to take pause and think about it !?!?

8:51 PM


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