Everybodies Hometown...

Friday, April 13, 2007


Stop the presses!

We interrupt my regularly scheduled blog for a breaking news story!

No, it's not that Imus was fired.

No, it's not that Larry Birkhead is the father.

Snatched from Philly Inquirer this morning, something everyone of you should be concerned about. Or at least me -

'Gonorrhea gaining resistance to drugs'

And Philadelphia not being one to shy away from a challenge and put up a good fight, is leading the nation among heterosexual men with the highest percentage of drug-resistant infections! A group that I am proud to include myself in!

Uh, that being the heterosexual group, not the infected heterosexual group with the drug resistant infection.

My summer recreation plans might have to change....


Blogger PokerPro said...

While waiting in line for the bathroom at Sligo the other night, I thought I heard someone on the other side of the door yell, " Yeeoow, it hurts when I piss!"

11:34 AM

Blogger cns said...

i'm afraid to click on the "gallery of moc"

12:24 PM

Blogger d.K. said...

Abstinence, Chuck, Abstinence! (or, more realistically, Condoms, man, Condoms!)

10:07 AM

Blogger Chuck said...

Speaking of abstinence and condoms, I read the other day that the US Gov is spending $176 million a year on 'abstinence until marrige' programs that aren't working.

That's a hell of a lot of money to tell someone's son to keep his pecker in his pants....

1:38 PM

Blogger PokerPro said...

They're also spending $75 million on spincah storage!

11:35 AM

Blogger akjn westside said...

You finally got your internet connection, so get blogging, chuckles!!

2:48 PM


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