Everybodies Hometown...

Thursday, April 05, 2007

April is here, and I saw flurries

Well it's been a light week for MoC, only 15 hours, accompanied by a rare weekday off, so I used that time productively and got caught up on a bunch of stuff.

.....WHOA, WHOA, WHOA - cool your brains down and stop red-lining, you don't want to overheat! I know what you're saying; "A light week? A rare day off? The guy doesn't work!"

Well that was "MoC 2006 - year of the unemployed." This is MoC 2007 - year of the entrepreneur" we're talking about and being an entrepreneur takes money. So it's back to work. Besides, my Ameriprise Financial Planner told me that if I ever hoped to conquer the universe, it might be best to start with at least two nickles to rub together. So off I went...

Anyway, I had Tuesday off and took advantage of the time to do my taxes for last year. Turns out it really was the "year of the unemployed" as I hit an all-time low in income! I'm so proud of myself! Now, just when I was getting a handle on the whole barter thing, BANG!, life sucks me back into the 9-5 like a Dyson sucks dust. Crap. Oh well, no one said being an entrepreneur was easy.

Tuesday I have a meeting with my people. That's right, MoC has people. All kinds of people in fact, but Tuesday I'm meeting with my web people. Some of you may know my web people or at least one of them. He comments here sometimes as "Pecker." He's also been known to play the straight man to PinF's jokes.....

Pecker and his company are going to design my website for "singmysong.com" which is a little idea I had that I thought might be fun to pursue. So I am. It should be making it's debut sometime towards the middle of the summer. Look for it.

Until then.

Entrepreneur out.


Blogger akjn westside said...

dude...I start my new old job in CA on May 7th...I haven't worked in 4 years....should I be scared?

9:04 PM

Blogger d.K. said...

Snow here today too, Chuck.
You're not going to stop blogging now, are you? After getting your new PC and all? Say it ain't so, Chuck!

5:42 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

No such luck. In fact I'm hoping as soon as I get a bit more settled to actually blog a bit more!

Funny how working full time puts a damper on the blogging...

8:53 AM


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