Invisible Post
Everybodies Hometown...
Well, am I to assume based on the lack of response that my other 6 readers feel that global warming is a hoax and you are afraid of the verbal smackdown you might receive at the hands of MoC?
Every once in awhile it is necessary for the powers-that-be here at MoC to stray from the ordinary line of self deprecating humor and to pick on CNN.
For your edification, in the Netherlands the bathroom stalls have walls that extend to the ground. Not only does this make it a lot less likely the person next to you will hear all the funny sounds that come out of your bottom while doing your business, it makes it damn near impossible to play stall footsies. Which is kind of funny given the casual attitude the Dutch have towards just about everything. This is after all the country that just found a man not guilty of having sex with a sheep, because the sheep was unable to testify that it didn't enjoy it.
The craftsman opened up the shop again last week, to finish up this project for my mom's birthday.
I'll get the final picture for you today, of the bench resting and decorated in mom's living room.
In other news, maybe I put up a picture of my new toy?