Everybodies Hometown...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Invisible Post

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

PSA follow up

Well, am I to assume based on the lack of response that my other 6 readers feel that global warming is a hoax and you are afraid of the verbal smackdown you might receive at the hands of MoC?

Fear not. PokerPro stood up and voiced his opinion and he's still alive and kicking, albeit only with his left leg....badumdum - ting!

Really, I thought I'd get a bit more out of those last two blogs, I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed.

I'm going to the Plummer to play stall footsies and reflect on the glory days.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Public Service Announcement (without guitar)

Every once in awhile it is necessary for the powers-that-be here at MoC to stray from the ordinary line of self deprecating humor and to pick on CNN.

This isn't one of those times.

Editors sidebar:However, I would like to express to all the world at this time that while CNN might be fair of skin, she is far from fair of heart or humor, and it is only because I know she can take it, that I make her the butt (cute and rounded that it is) of my jokes.

Now back to our regularly scheduled PSA.

As I was saying, occasionally it is necessary to take the conversation here to a higher level and with that I pose the following question:

Do any of the 7 readers of my blog fall into the category of pin-headed ninnies that believe global warming is a hoax? (Regardless of if it was started by Al Gore or not, but extra credit if you admit to that too!)

Come on, don't be afraid. I promise I'll be gentle. I'll be taking comment role call, yea's means you believe it's a hoax, na's means you believe it's real.

Pin-headed ninnies will kindly do their blogging elsewhere in the future. We discriminate here at MoC.

Let's play stall footsies

For your edification, in the Netherlands the bathroom stalls have walls that extend to the ground. Not only does this make it a lot less likely the person next to you will hear all the funny sounds that come out of your bottom while doing your business, it makes it damn near impossible to play stall footsies. Which is kind of funny given the casual attitude the Dutch have towards just about everything. This is after all the country that just found a man not guilty of having sex with a sheep, because the sheep was unable to testify that it didn't enjoy it.


From my friends at http://www.dictionary.com/

lewd - inclined to, characterized by, or inciting to lust or lechery; lascivious.


las·civ·i·ous - inclined to lustfulness; wanton; lewd

It seems a bit redundant to charge people with lewd & lascivious behaviour, no?

"Ah, Mr Beebe, I'm charging you with being drunk and intoxicated in public".


So who thinks that our dear Senator Craig is actually being drummed out of congress because he committed some sort of crime? (no)


America's homophobic attitudes and underlying fear of anything sexual? (yes)

Now, I'm not exactly sure what crimes he admitted to that he is now trying to recant. However, I suppose the girl who always raised her hand in class could find out for me? You know who you are.

But I do know it seems to me, that every Friday shortly after happy hour has started at the Plumstead that I could be busted for lewd and lascivious behaviour and being drunk and intoxicated in public.

WOW! That's a lot of crime.

Scofflaw out.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Chuck's ride yesterday

I got done work early yesterday and decided to go for a little ride...

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Stop the presses!

The search is over.

I've found someone who owns a glue-bra.

Weekend riding

Put a few miles on the KLR this weekend, the weather was too nice not to! I'd like to say this is me off in some field after a ride relaxing, but this one is staged and is actually in the jungle that is my mom's back yard.

I'm getting 45 mpg by my calculation, mostly riding around town. I'll be anxious to see what I get if I'm doing all highway miles?

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

A vacancy at the beer enthusiast

chuck's new commute

Here's my new toy. It was a bit shady by the time I got home, so this will have to do. I show you more pictures right after my first trip...

Bench part II

So here is the bench in my mom's living room all decorated with dead animal skulls, antlers, mixing bowls, misc. totems and a stuffed owl. Everything a witch would need to cast a spell...

Happy Birthdady Didi

The craftsman opened up the shop again last week, to finish up this project for my mom's birthday.

I didn't actually build the bench this time, just stripped and repainted.

I had some leftover cork flooring that I used to make the motif that I glued to the backrest. Unfortunatly, the glue expanded up around the edges of the pieces and gave me fits. For the most part I was able to get it off, but unlike wood I couldn't really sand it, or the color on the surface of the cork would come off.

I'll get the final picture for you today, of the bench resting and decorated in mom's living room.

In other news, maybe I put up a picture of my new toy?