Everybodies Hometown...

Friday, November 03, 2006

Morning bread crumbs

So CNN (the station, not the girl) has been "newsing" about these 10,000+ fugitives that have been rounded up these past couple of days. Operation Falcon 3! I wonder what happened with Operations Falcon 1 and Falcon 2? Anywho....

Vermont it seems, is too far off the beaten path. Besides, all my crimes are international in nature. If you see any Interpol snooping around Media and asking questions, dont' talk to them.

Anyway, CNN (the station, not the girl) mentioned that there are still 1,000,000 fugitives out there. Now any day, the population will hit 300,000,000. Let me see...basic math....scratch off the zero's on the end and you are left with 1 in 300.

1 in 300 doesn't seem like that big of a number to me? I mean, I might joke about it, but I'm seriously wondering which one or two (three?) of my friends is the fugitive and more importantly, what kind of reward can I get if I rat them out?


Blogger PokerPro said...

You can call me the "Night Fox".

11:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck, call me ignorant, but who's the girl???

12:52 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

"CNN" are the initials of the girl behind the blog Simone, who's real name is Constance Nancy Narberth.

You can see why see prefers CNN...

3:05 PM

Blogger akjn westside said...

Dude-come in from the cold, but keep your hat on!
Constance Nancy Narberth???

10:00 PM

Blogger Chuck said...

You didn't think that was funny?

I only did that because I didn't feel right posting Chrissy N. Nolan's real name on the blog for all the stalkers in the world to see....

whoops, too late.

10:22 AM


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