While I have my intern feverishly working on shaving his entire body and trying on bikini's in order to resemble a Swiss nanny, allow me to take the time to respond to a few questions sent to me via email.
A reader from Media asks: "Chuck, it didn't realize the Beebe's were descendents of the Northern Icelandic tribes, and therefore so hairy?"
Good Question
Media, but let me elaborate because there is a nice little side story here. Some Beebe's can in fact trace their family tree back to the Northern Icelandic tribes. However, those Beebe's spell their name
BEEBEE, and we Beebe's make a conscious decision not to associate with those Beebee's for reasons I won't elaborate on here due to time & space constraints.
The reason for my seeming so hairy in the picture is due to two factors. First, the humid climate and abundance of fresh fruit has contributed to a dramatic increase in hair growth (make note Peck).
Second, when I was packing my trusty
straight blade razor, I forgot to pack the razor strop and am therefore not able to sharpen my razor. Given the fact I need to make this blade last for two months, I've made a decision to be a bit hairier. Thus the image you see in the picture.
("Intern, when you're done shaving your legs, get to work on the jail set!")
A reader from Jersey asks: "Hey, it's obvious your HAT is in Costa Rica, how about more proof that YOU are in Costa Rica?"
(Hmmm, maybe
Jersey should read the comments?)
Jersey ask and you shall receive. In my effort to put this nonsense behind me and get on with my life of leisure - I mean my life of dedication to helping those less fortunate - I will attempt to comply with both of the demands placed upon me by my friend PinF, and mind you, I do this strictly for the personal satisfaction! Any financial gains real or imagined are inconsequential. It's about pride at this point.
Unfortunately, we have a small problem. The Tico Times is scheduled to come promptly -
sometime Friday. Usually, they sell out quickly. I however will be accompanying Chuck, his mother
(just in town) and possibly a few others to visit an Indian village in Bribri tomorrow. There is a very good chance we will not be back on Friday. In fact, we may be lucky to get out of the jungle with our group fully intact! Currently I am in negotiations, to make arrangements, to sign a contract, that will allow someone to purchase a copy in my absence. (Things are very complicated down here).
Point being, it may be tough to meet the demands placed on me in as timely a fashion as requested. Rest assured, this is not any sort of flim-flam, con, scam, hoodwink, double-cross, dupe, bamboozle or three-shell-game, but an honest admission that everything happens slowly in Cahuita and proof will eventually be forthcoming. Eventually - just like eventually, we will have electric 24/7. But not today.
In the meantime, I have procured for you another small bit of evidence to put in the evidence folder, that I think really strengthens my case!
Have a look -