Everybodies Hometown...

Monday, February 27, 2006

Bribri & Panama II

I originally wrote a blog after my trip to Bribri last week, published it, didn't like the way the formatting was working out and saved it as a draft.

Today I fixed it, but because it was dated Feb 20, it republished back a few entries - so, scroll down until you get to the picture of me on the drifttree and just below that is the original "Bribri & Panama" blog. Consider it a bonus.

BIG Wednesday, or in this case Friday

The waves were really booming today, "Cutback Kalson" would have loved it. Small pipelines, not big enough for surfing in, but you could have boogie-boarded in a few, which was what I planned to do!

I grabbed Chuck’s snorkeling fins and the boogie board at the house and headed to Black Beach up the street. Standing on shore, it was probably about 50 yards to the outside break and you had to cross 5 to 6 waves to get there, each one progressively bigger than the previous. This means in reality as I was paddling out, I probably went over 20+ waves. (I think it was wave 23 that really did me in).

Now, I have to admit when I was setting out, I NEW I was pretty much offering up my body for Neptune’s amusement. How right I was. I actually almost made it to the outer break! Almost.

Similar to my one surfing experience in Humboldt, I exhausted myself before ever getting to ride a wave, unless you count getting pushed in land backwards as a ride and in most scoring systems, no.

Defeated but happy none the less, I set about more tamer pursuits. Collecting more bamboo driftwood.

The current standings now in the COSBL – the Cahuita Open Surf & Boogieboard League – now stand as follows. Condensed to save time.

999) El Gringo

I only managed to crack the top 1000 because there are only 999 entrants. In addition I was disqualified from today’s event for failure to perform a single trick. A direct result of my failure to catch a single wave.

On a bright note, when I was being rescued by CRBW – Costa Rican Bay Watch – I was so delusional from the 3 gallons of salt water I swallowed, that I thought it was Pamela Anderson herself that was giving me mouth-to-mouth. So that wasn’t bad.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Weekend Updates

I have noticed a trend in the blog world, that things seem to grind to a halt during the weekend. The comments stop, the postings stop. The exact time when most people have plenty of free time to write blogs and make comments!

So this only makes me think everyone blogs when they are at work and supposed to be working?

(Oh, and I'm including myself in that last statement too).

Thursday, February 23, 2006

News Flash - Hot off the press!

Pay attention people, this is important! It's hot off the press and you should consider yourselves lucky to be receiving this here on the MisAdventuresofChuck blog before the general release to the public.

The current standing in the CMBL (Cahuita Men's Basketball League) have just been released, here they are:

Let me take a moment to emphasize the name that currently (and in perpetuity) holds the #1 spot!!

1.) Chuck "el gringo" Beebe
2.) David
4.) Chuck "Taliban" Moore

*Denotes initial ranking of next player to enter the league.

As you can see we are a few players short of a full league. However, due to the lack of a second basket and therefore no opportunity to play full court, maybe it's just as well.

However, it would be nice to have at least four players in the league as right now, 2v2 is a bit difficult.

Chuck "Taliban" Moore has been dropped from #3 in the standings to #4, for failure to compete in the necessary number of games. This means the next person to join the league will automatically assume the #3 spot, until he looses that ranking, one way or another. CNN, if you leave now by this weekend you might even be able to work your way up to #2!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Here I am giving Junior a crash course in Windows hardware repair.

Here I am at the Police station. Sorry, the lobby was the best I could negotiate. Beside if you were expecting actual "bars" at the Cahuita holding cell, you'd be disappointed. It's more like getting sent to your room.

Give me enough time, I'll even have the Swiss nannies in bed. I mean in my blog.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Resident Artist II

Here at the Psych Center, they really like to stress Arts & Crafts as a form of therapeutic treatment, in lieu of the 3x a day shock treatments that I normally get.

While the doctors say it isn't good for me to keep feeding my tropical fantasy of Costa Rica, they say at least I am channeling my (mis)guided thoughts to something creative, instead of bashing Nurse Ratchet's head in.

Here is my latest - take note - this is only a "prototype". I made it with only a hacksaw (that I bought for 3 packs of Marlboro's and am secretly using to escape with). In addition someday when I do escape I would use freshly harvested bamboo so it would look better than this piece that washed up in the back yard....

For Tim

Here at MisAdventures blog, we always strive to present a quality experience and understand the importance of "visual enhancement" to help us achieve our goal. While we can't always present first hand photographic experience of all our adventures, mostly due to the incriminating nature of the photo's themselves, we always strive to find a reasonable substitute.

We also understand that some of our fellow bloggers don't have the financial resources we have, to have there own in house art department, stocked with grade "C" talent in the wonderful workings of MSPAINT.

Given my current "volunteer" status I thought it only fitting that I "donate" some of my time, and my art departments talents to create this "one of a kind" rendering I call:

PinF's Saturday Get-Away


Note - 100 signed limited edition works are available now!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Danger Lurking Everywhere!

After surviving chance encounters with 17 varieties of poisonous snakes in the back country of CR (where I currently reside, despite rumor-mongering by certain individuals bent on slandering my good name), I get up Sunday morning to take care of business only to be greeted with a "buenos dias" by the following:

Getting away only slightly bruised, or more accurately stung, I decide to get some sun at the beach, only to come across my latest piece of drifttree. As I've mentioned before, when surfing, swimming or generally frolicking in the water, you need to watch out for drifttree that might get washed up with the last storm:

Bribri & Panama

I originally typed this blog up last week, but was having problems with the formatting. For some reason loading up small pictures, I couldn't get anything to stay were I wanted. So, because I really care about my readers, I took the time to upload five - count 'em 5 - larger pictures, and make the formatting all nice and pretty.

Now excuse me, I need to get some rice & beans.

Here we are heading up river in a dug-out canoe on our way to the mud fields of Bribri.

I think that everyone on board, except the Indian's and possibly Chuck was convinced we would capsize.

Luckily for all of us, I got my "canoeing" merit badge in Boy Scouts and am trained for just such an emergency.

The Indian's offered me some "Night Queen Tea" upon arrival. It was quite tasty and I went back for seconds....

...not really sure about much after that....where am I?....who's this Kurtz fellow I'm going up river to see?....I wonder if he will have any Night Queen Tea?...

This was our sleeping quarters prior to departure up river. Notice the traditional "thatched roof", "Indian hand-woven hammocks" and the bug screens and air mattresses from REI.

On the morning of our excursion up river, we set out as a group of 4 after a few swigs of Night Queen tea.

In our group was myself, Taliban, Gema -not exactly sure about how you spell her name? She was a volunteer from England and we brought her along as "trade" material. Leading the party was our trusty guide - Juliodownbytheschoolyard.

Our mission was two-fold. Find the elusive Col. Kurtz. Have tea with him and than recouperate in the local hot springs for our journey back.

After touring the jungle in circles for 2 hours, I needed a break. Here's a photo of Me & Juliodownbytheschoolyard. (you knew that was coming didn't you?!).

Finally we reached our destination. Unfortunatly the Colonel had slipped away. We immediatly proceeded to phase B, operation "hot springs" for a good, refreshing soak.

Here is Gema soaking in the natural hot springs. Doesn't it just look revitalizing? Makes you wanna jump right in! Assuming of course, it was actually deeper than 1"!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

PROOF POSITIVE - The return of the hammock...




Saturday, February 18, 2006

Goings-on in Congress

So I return from my missionary-position work with the Indians of Bribri, only to find that the senior Senator from Florida and his "yes" man, the junior Senator from Maryland have begun inquiries as to the extent and context of my "contract" work here in Costa Rica. They have even begun to rally a handful of first-term'ers in an attempt to garner the necessary support for a formal investigation.

Just what we need, a bunch of Congressional blow-hards spending tax payers money like it was coconuts growing on a tree! Shooting your mouths off from the comfort of America without the foggiest idea of what is really taking place down here. Willing to throw money left and right, but never giving any where it is really needed. Sitting in your electrified houses, typing comments on your high-speed Internet. Do you ever once get dizzy from the stench of bat urine, I think not. Flossing your teeth with super-thin dental floss and using your vibrating head toothbrushes - oh, the agony! While I was up to my calves in muck, wet for 48 hours straight, the only thing I had to use for dental hygiene was saw grass, and they call it saw grass for a reason!

You claim to want pictures but you don't want to see the truth. Pictures of kids missing limbs from playing football in mine fields. Kids who are actually starting to morph into beans because they eat them so frequently. Just yesterday, I had to rescue a toddler who had been trapped in a pile of bat guano for three days! You only want to see the highlights - the Swiss nannies in bikini's, you peddlers of pornography!

As for me and my mission, all you need to know, you already know. The rest is classified and for your own good, as well as mine. You will have to trust me on this until the post-mission debriefing. At which time I will make all necessary intel available when and if it is needed.

As I posted in my last transmission, I will make the required recon photo's available shortly, but given my hasty departure up river to bush country in search of Col Kurtz, and the fact it's raining today and therefore no Swiss nannies in bikini's anywhere - you will have to wait a few days more. Everything proceeds slowly here in C.R.

On a side note I did come across this OPS photo of your's truly, for you to put in the evidence file. At least I'm claiming it to be me, I must say the gentlemen in the photo looks awfully buff which lends some doubt to the authenticity of the photo. In addition it was from a mission entitled "Operation Charlie Swim's to Panama"...but I can't say anything more.....

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


While I have my intern feverishly working on shaving his entire body and trying on bikini's in order to resemble a Swiss nanny, allow me to take the time to respond to a few questions sent to me via email.

A reader from Media asks: "Chuck, it didn't realize the Beebe's were descendents of the Northern Icelandic tribes, and therefore so hairy?"

Good Question Media, but let me elaborate because there is a nice little side story here. Some Beebe's can in fact trace their family tree back to the Northern Icelandic tribes. However, those Beebe's spell their name BEEBEE, and we Beebe's make a conscious decision not to associate with those Beebee's for reasons I won't elaborate on here due to time & space constraints.

The reason for my seeming so hairy in the picture is due to two factors. First, the humid climate and abundance of fresh fruit has contributed to a dramatic increase in hair growth (make note Peck).

Second, when I was packing my trusty straight blade razor, I forgot to pack the razor strop and am therefore not able to sharpen my razor. Given the fact I need to make this blade last for two months, I've made a decision to be a bit hairier. Thus the image you see in the picture.

("Intern, when you're done shaving your legs, get to work on the jail set!")

A reader from Jersey asks: "Hey, it's obvious your HAT is in Costa Rica, how about more proof that YOU are in Costa Rica?"

(Hmmm, maybe Jersey should read the comments?)

Well Jersey ask and you shall receive. In my effort to put this nonsense behind me and get on with my life of leisure - I mean my life of dedication to helping those less fortunate - I will attempt to comply with both of the demands placed upon me by my friend PinF, and mind you, I do this strictly for the personal satisfaction! Any financial gains real or imagined are inconsequential. It's about pride at this point.

Unfortunately, we have a small problem. The Tico Times is scheduled to come promptly -sometime Friday. Usually, they sell out quickly. I however will be accompanying Chuck, his mother (just in town) and possibly a few others to visit an Indian village in Bribri tomorrow. There is a very good chance we will not be back on Friday. In fact, we may be lucky to get out of the jungle with our group fully intact! Currently I am in negotiations, to make arrangements, to sign a contract, that will allow someone to purchase a copy in my absence. (Things are very complicated down here).
Point being, it may be tough to meet the demands placed on me in as timely a fashion as requested. Rest assured, this is not any sort of flim-flam, con, scam, hoodwink, double-cross, dupe, bamboozle or three-shell-game, but an honest admission that everything happens slowly in Cahuita and proof will eventually be forthcoming. Eventually - just like eventually, we will have electric 24/7. But not today.

In the meantime, I have procured for you another small bit of evidence to put in the evidence folder, that I think really strengthens my case!

Have a look -

Disney Presents - "Driftwood"

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

PROOF POSITIVE, I'm in Costa Rica

Ok, I've seen the comments lately and I'm not sure I like the direction they are going! So I thought I would put this nonsense about me not actually being in Costa Rica to bed, once and for all!

Now, initially I thought I would just do what PinF asked and show my passport stamp, but there is a small problem with that. The stamp is on page 14. It could be anybody's passport that I am showing you, so how to prove it's mine?

I came up with a better idea.

I had Chuck snap an actual photo of me, walking through the jungle. Notice how tan I've become and the all important feature - MY G.W.H's Hat!


Happy Valentines Day

The "Lost Blogs"

I'm now up to 32 posts since erasing my blogs. 33 counting this piece of cr*p I'm writing. (hey, not everything is Pulitzer material).

I'm thinking that possibly, given enough time, those 198 articles might take on a life of their own. A secret, ellusive life not unlike the lost Books of the Bible.

Then again maybe not.

Another, notch in my blog belt.

Captains Log

Captain's Log - 2:47 am February 14th, 2006.
  • Unable to sleep I decided to walk out on deck and reflect back over the 18 days I've been out at sea. Realizing it was Valentines Day only reminded me of being in love which in turn reminded me of a few of the ports I've had the pleasure of docking in. So many nice ports, even if it was just a quick Friday night stay. Or course, thoughts like this on a ship of men won't do anyone any good so I quickly dismiss them and move on....
  • Still having trouble getting used to the size of this new ship as she seems a bit empty. Of course the previous captain was hoodwinked out of half his ship's possessions by the local drunkards which may explain why it seems so empty, and why we got it so cheaply. Still, being a new class vessel it does have it's share of modern efficiencies, although we are still trying to work the bugs out of a few. The electric generation plant is still running at 50% efficiency. This is causing quite a stir down in the galley as "Cookie" is forced to prepare only meals that don't need refrigeration. This in turn does have a positive side as the crew doesn't have the chance to complain about leftovers. Addtionaly the lack of electric has forced the crew to be selective about when they use the "facilities". Or course, being on a ship they prefer to do number one over the side anyway...
  • Making a cursory inspection of the vessel I've noticed the beginnings of termite damage. At this stage the damage is minimal, but as we know it won't get better on it's own, so I make a mental note to fix it when we get to the next port.
  • It seems this boat picked up quite a collection of bats sitting in it's last port. They don't bother me much and do a nice job of keeping the bugs to a minimum, but I could do with out having to swab the deck of guano everyday!
  • Last night, a few of the veteran crew pulled the classic sailors initiation and cut a slit down the middle of one of the yeomen's sleeping hammock. I wish I could have seen his face when he tried to get in. For that matter, the poor bloke below him as I understand he had the top hammock! I love that prank...Speaking of the crew, there seems to be an abundance of "Chucks" on board. I've given one of them the old Indonesian word for "scraggy beard" as a nickname- Taliban, to help with the confusion.

Time to tighten the sails and head back to bed, and wait to see what the rising sun holds for me tomorrow.....

Monday, February 13, 2006

Blaze Orange

I'm sure you have heard about this but I decided to actually read one of the articles, out of loathing for anything related to the current administration. This one looked to good to pass up...

The headline as it appears on MSNBC:

"Cheney shoots man on Texas quail hunting trip"

And now for a closer look, MisAdventuresofChuck style, at the two paragraphs that really got my attention -

  • ...Armstrong said she was watching from a car while Cheney, Whittington and another hunter got out of the vehicle to shoot at a covey of quail.

Got out of the vehicle? Maybe if you had put down your "gin & tonic" a bit earlier, you wouldn't have shot your friend. Hunting from a car. Next week, spotlighting deer! I guess a man as busy as the Vice President doesn't really have time to hunt properly, even on vacation.

The next two paragraphs continue:

  • Whittington shot a bird and went to retrieve it in the tall grass, while Cheney and the third hunter walked to another spot and discovered a second covey.
    Whittington "came up from behind the vice president and the other hunter and didn't signal them or indicate to them or announce himself", Armstrong said.

Notice the word in bold & italics - in case you didn't I will highlight it in quotes here >>>>> "BEHIND"<<<<<

Generally, behind someone is a good, safe place to be when hunting. Most people shoot birds when they are in the air. The VP decided to track this one far enough to spin 180 degrees and shot it when it was only about 6 feet off the ground.

Time to retake the Hunter Safty Course, Mr. Cheney.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Word of the Day for Sunday February 12, 2006

eleemosynary \el-uh-MOS-uh-ner-ee\, adjective:
1. Of or for charity; charitable; as, "an eleemosynary institution."
2. Given in charity or alms; having the nature of alms; as, "eleemosynary assistance."
3. Supported by charity; as, "eleemosynary poor."

Editors note - merely a coincidence.

Beach project #1

Big Swells

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Everything comes back sooner or later...

As you can see the "Pub & Disco" has been closed for awhile. Well, probably since disco died and according to my fact checking intern, that was March 23, 1979.

I suspect we can get this place cheap!

Get out your leisure suits and platform shoes and let's get to work!

Saturday morning shoveling

So I don't know if you had to shovel your driveways this morning or not? I didn't check the weather. Still I suspect it was cold and dark which might be miserable enough for some of you. (PinF excluded).

But if you did wake up miserable because of the weather and started to think, "Chuck has the life, I bet it's sunny and warm in Costa Rica". Well you would be right, but that isn't the point I wanted to make.

I woke up this morning and shoveled the bat guano out of my bedroom. How many of you can say that?

So don't be thinking it's all fun in the sun and "mistaken identity" here.

Because, I didn't. But it would be ok if I did.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Weather Report - in PHILLY

Just in case you've all been in a state of deep meditation for 3 weeks and haven't seen the weather report (like that could happen). Maybe you all better head for the local WAWA and stock up....looks like it's going to be a big one!

I'll be swimming if anyone needs me.

Posted on Fri, Feb. 10, 2006
Heavy snow could start at noon Saturday

Up to a foot is expected (Advisory)

By Anthony R. Wood

For the first time since it officially arrived, winter seems ready to get serious with Philadelphia and the rest of the I-95 corridor.
If meteorologists and their beloved computer models are correct, as much as a foot of snow will fall from Maryland to Boston, with a powerful coastal storm inciting gale-force winds that will whip the snow into impressive drifts. (If they are wrong, the supermarket thanks you anyway.)
The snow is expected to start here around noon tomorrow and continue into Sunday morning. The timing is fortuitous for cleanup efforts - and for all those children and teachers who would be devastated if school did not open on time Monday.
In any event, watch it on the roads out there; everyone is out of practice. The storm would be a dramatic interruption of what has been one of the tamest winters in the nation's history.
Last month was the warmest January on record in the continental United States, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. And the extent of snow cover throughout North America was the least it has been in 25 years, said David Robinson, the New Jersey State climatologist, who is a snow-cover specialist.
Suffice it to say that regardless of what happens, road crews are not worrying about a salt shortage.
"We have plenty," said Eugene Blaum of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. He said the five-county region has 80,400 tons on hand, having used only 22,613 this winter. By contrast, PennDOT typically uses about 75,000 tons a season.


Sightings at the beach

Well the beach has been hot lately. Hot in the temperature sense and hot in the "action" scene. Of course all these visitors do have their drawbacks – those Europeans are quite fond of "Speedo’s" and worse, the dreaded "banana hammock". Nothing worse than a saggy man with his gut hanging over his hammock.

Now I have to admit I have one too. I’m saving it for a special occasion. Very special. Very, very special.

Say, the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse are descending to earth to reign down fires of death and destruction, then I will put on my banana hammock and go forth to greet them. Who wants to go out like everyone else? Other than that, it’s staying in the closet where it belongs.

Of course the other disadvantage I need to make you aware of in case you decide to venture south is the "dreaded mistaken identity". You know, like that really tall, model like figure you see off in the distance with long flowing brown hair bathing topless?

Turns out, it’s just a German in a Speedo.

This isn’t exactly something you want to brag about to your friends. "Hey, I saw this really hot German chick at the beach, only it turned out to be a man!"

Of course, this sort of thing didn’t happen to me. I mean, it would be ok if it did, but it didn’t. Just so you know. This is purely information for your benefit, same as being made aware of the 17 varieties of venomous snake in the jungle. That’s all. 18 varieties if you count the bloke in the banana hammock, although I’m not sure how much venom he has left….

Anyway, MofC has 20/20 vision. In fact I have better then 20/20, I have 20/10. So there is really no chance of me mistaking a guy in a Speedo for a girl. What "normal" people see at 10’, I can see at 20’. That’s why I can read the really small print at the bottom of that sign on the opposite side of the bar and you can’t. The one that says "Made in Chicago, U.S.A" and is also why I wouldn’t mistake a guy on the beach for a girl.

But it would be all right if I did.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Superbowl Sunday

Superbowl Sunday, the most watched TV program on earth.

This year, I had no pregame hype. Not the two weeks worth of talk by every announcer with an opinion. Not the bombardment of advertisements. None of it.

The game itself had no pregame for me and the announcing was in Spanish so for the most part it could have been any other game, only with a big half-time show.

And you know what? It was nice. I could actually just enjoy the game for what it was!

Except for one small problem.....

The town was dry. I don't mean that there was a sudden lack of rain and everything was dusty, because that is how it is anyway.

I don't mean there was nobody in town with a sense of humor.

I mean prohibition had set in!

Yesterday was election day here in Costa Rica. Soon there will be a new President. Saturday afternoon the police drove around to all the bars and taped the coolers shut, not to be opened until Midnight Sunday. Granted, it wasn't like they were under lock and key but nobody was serving beer!

Have they no grasp of the most watched TV program on earth!

I'm in game day shape. I make it a point to keep myself ready for any situation, but I can't sit on a bar stole for 4 hours and drink Coca-cola! I'm not superhuman for crying out loud!

Driftwood Beach

This is the famous "driftwood beach" here in Cahuita, surfer's nightmare. If the reef doesn't get you, there is a good chance you will run into a tree, or at least a small log.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Latest weather and other such nonsense



How often do you hear someone happy about that? Thursday was a tough day, I went to the beach for 3 hours. I got down a nice base coat of UVB-red. Let's face it, sooner or later no matter how careful I am I'm going to get burned.

So I made the conscious decision to get it over with. That way once I have a base layer of tan, it's less likely to happen in the future.

My back got it the worst because after all, how many of us are really flexible enough to get that spot between our shoulder blades?

I'm going back today for another coat, only this time I'll use lotion. I figure the one good burn got rid of all the alien life forms that were living on me.

Here is a picture of yours truly enjoying a morning coffee on the back porch.

Chuck M. got his "French press" out of storage so we could have coffee at home.

While I make it a general rule to have nothing to do with anything connected in anyway to France of things French, a man must make sacrifices and the alternative was to use a sock.

Not going to happen.

Here's a picture of our electrical pole out on the street. One week and it's still not hooked up, something about "the next full moon" or some such story?

Wiring in this country is pretty much anything you can get your hands on.

A couple of outlets in "the ark" are wired with lamp cord via a 30 amp breaker. In that situation it seems to me that the breaker is just an unnecessary expense.....

Lastly let me throw this out to my loyal readers. There is a girl down here who is a school teacher. She was lucky enough to get a visa to the USA which is good for 10 years. Apparently this is like hitting the lottery since it's very hard for Costa Ricans to get a visa. The condition is she has to get a job in the USA within the next 5 months or so. It doesn't have to be anything special, she is willing to be a nanny, she just has to get into the country, then she is ok.

If any of you have any ideas, please let me know.

All for now, Chuckster out - the beach is calling...Now who's rubbing the lotion on my back?

Me & Taliban Chuck

Recently, Taliban Chuck invited me out for a happy hour cocktail.

As usual, it was under the strict stipulation that I don't show his "true" identity for obvious (or not so obvious?) reasons.

He did however grant me the rare pleasure of snapping an unedited photo of him going "native".

As is often the case, Taliban Chuck is forced to hideout in the jungle and when he does he normally disguises himself accordingly...

Here for your pleasure...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Small World

Yesterday Chuck and I decided to get some exercise. (I feel like I have a split personality saying Chuck & I. Just call me Sybil).

Anyway we decided to take the basketball and go to the hoop courts around 8pm, knowing full well that all the locals would be playing 4 on 4 already. 4 on 4 soccer that is, not basketball. BLASPHAMY!

Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. While we were waiting for our turn on the basketball/futbol court, an Asian says something to Chuck in english. Chuck in turn mentions that he speaks good english, even though it is obvious he didn't grow up in America.

He replys that he has been studying english in L.A. for two years. We strike up a conversation and he asks where we are from.

Chuck said Philadelphia to which he replied - "Oh, I used to live in Media."

HA! Small world. He went to DCCC for a summer session, lived by the Acme.

Everyone's Hometown indeed.

Go all the way to Costa Rica to meet a Japanese kid that used to live in Media. Go figure.

Cahuita beach

At the south end of town about 100 yards from cell block 12 is a park which has about 7 km of beach.

This is the path that walks through the "jungle". There isn't a lot of beach from the standpoint of places to put your towel. About 1.5 km down is a decent area that gets sun most of the day, assuming it's out.

Lately, five minutes after I get to the beach seems to guarantee clouds will roll in...

This is the beach looking left. Yesterday was the first sunny day in a week, and of course like I mentioned, no sooner do I go to the beach and it gets cloudy.

You can see there isn't a whole lot of blanket space.

A couple of trees close to the ocean fell over in the storm towards the background.

Same spot only looking to the right.

Down where it starts to curve out is where it gets slightly wider and more sun because it's angled out.

I had a nice time sitting on the fallen tree. Not the one in this picture but the one in the previous.

This place is a driftwood lovers dream. Just make sure when you're swimming you don't bang your head on any tree trunks!